Thai/Haze free beans not doing great


Active Member
Hey dudes,

I've got some regular thai/haze that came free from seedsman, i think, and thought to give it a go and see what happens. I germinated 3 seeds and went straight to 12/12 under 600W HPS as I read somewhere that was a tall and long finishing strain. They all happened to be girls so I was quite pleased with that and I gave one away to be able to manage the space in my tent better. I used the only organic soil i could find at the local shops (soil that I used with reasonable success in all my past grows) and fed them with BioBizz grow-bloom-top max trio of nutes. Everything went well for a while (8-9weeks) and now, with roughly 3-4 weeks to go, I'm trying to deal with yellowing and splotches on many leaves. Most of the fan leaves came off in the past couple of weeks, but it's been shedding leaves regularly from earlier on. They only got Grow for a couple of weeks as they shot up like fuck and they were also topped. Has anyone grown these? would they need higher humidity? too hot? the last couple of waterings I added Grow again and they seemed to have got a bit of green back in them. I've got in the same tent a La Diva auto and a 60 wonder auto, which are doing remarkably well especially La Diva.
here are some pics of the worst of the two, hairs are getting brown without much fattening of the buds:


Thanks dudes


Active Member
are you feeding them calmag?
I'm not sure what that is. I feed them with biobizz grow, bloom and top max more or less in every watering like it says on the bottles, but there's something that isn't working too well. in the same tent with the same nutes i have 2 autos that are doing good, so i don't know if it's heat, not enough humidity or what.

kona gold

Well-Known Member
Ok....seems like you might be hitting them too regularly with the ferts your using.
While it may be fine for your shorter flowering indica dominant varieties....sativa's like less fertilizer.
So you might want to try every other watering, of even every third watering, and lighter than recomended dosage.
Cal/mag might help as well, cause soil ph can change when the plants are in there for an extra month...especially if its a peat based soil.
They will shed some leaves regardless, as the make so many more leaves than indica's.
Good luck...but its pretty late into the cycle so dont expect miricles, but hope it helps them finish a little better quality.
Also if you try sativa's again i find the Down to Earth pelletized sea bird guano 12-12-2 supplies them with a steady 2-3 month supply of slow release nitrogen, and phospherous.


Active Member
Ok....seems like you might be hitting them too regularly with the ferts your using.
While it may be fine for your shorter flowering indica dominant varieties....sativa's like less fertilizer.
So you might want to try every other watering, of even every third watering, and lighter than recomended dosage.
Cal/mag might help as well, cause soil ph can change when the plants are in there for an extra month...especially if its a peat based soil.
They will shed some leaves regardless, as the make so many more leaves than indica's.
Good luck...but its pretty late into the cycle so dont expect miricles, but hope it helps them finish a little better quality.
Also if you try sativa's again i find the Down to Earth pelletized sea bird guano 12-12-2 supplies them with a steady 2-3 month supply of slow release nitrogen, and phospherous.
thanks for the advice. I tried to give 'em less nutes but it seemed that that increased the yellowing. I assume the cal/mag would be a replacement for my regular ferts rather than a supplement. should i try to flush them?

kona gold

Well-Known Member
The cal/mag is not a fertilizer, but is used to stabilize your soil ph and supply the plants with added magnesium.
What this might do for you is correct the ph of you soil so your plants can then use the nutrients that you have already added. Plus the magnisum has a greening afffect on the plants.
I personally dont believe in flushing, but many poeple swear by it.
It seem, in soil, that flushing will compact your soil, decreasing oxygene to the roots.

But non of this is gospel, cause too many plant may require a higher or lower ph, could like only certain sources of fertilizers, may require less/more light, might like dry or humid many potential factors, not to mention disease, or bug problems.

So my suggestions are for more general problems.

Aloha, and best wishes!


Active Member
The cal/mag is not a fertilizer, but is used to stabilize your soil ph and supply the plants with added magnesium.
What this might do for you is correct the ph of you soil so your plants can then use the nutrients that you have already added. Plus the magnisum has a greening afffect on the plants.
I personally dont believe in flushing, but many poeple swear by it.
It seem, in soil, that flushing will compact your soil, decreasing oxygene to the roots.

But non of this is gospel, cause too many plant may require a higher or lower ph, could like only certain sources of fertilizers, may require less/more light, might like dry or humid many potential factors, not to mention disease, or bug problems.

So my suggestions are for more general problems.

Aloha, and best wishes!
thanks dude

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Yes, I agree it looks like you need a CalMag product. General Organics CaMg+ is what most people recommend. It's a great product and it's cheap. Add about 10ml per gallon next time you add your nutes.

Are you using reverse osmosis water?

If you feel like your yellow leaves got a little greener when you used the grow, they may just be a little N deficient. But I wouldn't use the grow again, I would use a liquid N product like Nature's Nectar Nitrogen. You can get it super cheap on ebay if your local store don't have it. Do you have any high N guano around? Or Alfalfa? You could make a guano or alfalfa tea that will probably give them all the N you would need.

Do you use compost teas?

I'm not familiar with BioBizz nutes, as I use Bio Canna and GO mostly, but when you use compost teas in between feeding with organic nutes it saves you a lot of money and your plants will thrive. :lol:


Active Member
Yes, I agree it looks like you need a CalMag product. General Organics CaMg+ is what most people recommend. It's a great product and it's cheap. Add about 10ml per gallon next time you add your nutes.

I just order this from ebay
I hope it works as well as the one you suggested.

Are you using reverse osmosis water?

I have no idea what that is. I just fill a few bottles and let them sit open for 2-3 days to get rid of chlorine but that's as far as i go. water is soft here and always around ph 6.8-7 before adding nutes

If you feel like your yellow leaves got a little greener when you used the grow, they may just be a little N deficient. But I wouldn't use the grow again, I would use a liquid N product like Nature's Nectar Nitrogen. You can get it super cheap on ebay if your local store don't have it. Do you have any high N guano around? Or Alfalfa? You could make a guano or alfalfa tea that will probably give them all the N you would need.

Do you use compost teas?

I'm not familiar with BioBizz nutes, as I use Bio Canna and GO mostly, but when you use compost teas in between feeding with organic nutes it saves you a lot of money and your plants will thrive. :lol:

I was just thinking about compost tea but i fear contaminating my tent with bugs. I have some organic chicken pellets, could i use those?
I'm starting to realise that I really shouldn't use seeds that come free with orders anymore. Everyone I grew in the past has been disappointing: big bud and now these have been the worst crops with weird plant behaviour, unlike those i bought. As mentioned in a previous post, I have 2 autos in the same tent that have been fed with the same nutes as the thai/haze and as an experiment I kept them at 12/12 from start and they seem to be the heaviest yielding autos I ever grew. who the fuck knows... :wall:

Thanks for the advice

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Yea, the cal/mag you bought should be fine.

Reverse Osmosis (RO) just means filtered water basically. I asked because whey you filter water you have to use LOTS of cal/mag and some other minerals to make up for what you take out. But if you're letting your water sit out for over 24 hours you're good there. :lol:

Compost teas won't give you bugs, not unless you overwater or something and don't clean up the water, but that would happen with your nutes too. I can give you a link to a thread on how to make a really simple AACT bucket to make your teas if you want it, just let me know. I'm not sure what the chicken pellets are, if they have nitrogen I'm sure they can be used in the tea.

It may not be because they are free seeds though. I've never grown a thai strain, but I'm sure your strain is probably closely related to a landrace strain, and landrace strains grow kinda like that sometimes. But it might be because they are free seeds, who knows. I just germinated some seeds from 3 strains, and 1 of the strains was free seeds....and they took 3 extra days to germinate lol, so I can feel you there.


Active Member
they're this stuff

but i think usually they're considered slow release nutes

yeah please send me the link to making compost tea. I watched many in the past but one more won't do any harm. thanks.

I think the free seeds are given away because they're old or shit and no one buys them. From now on I think I'll go for old strains purchased seeds, too much time, money and effort to grow shit weed is dumb. however, thai/haze smells delicious :lol:

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't use those, you just really have no idea what's in them or anything...not this late in flower at least. That thai/haze is going to make you pretty much trip if you finish it right, just so you know. Those thai strains aren't fucking around :bigjoint:

Here's the link The tea recipe is at the bottom of the first post after the DIY. Double the amount of alfalfa if you make a bucket and do it right away to give those plants N though.


Active Member
thanks bro, however I always thought making tea takes a lot of work and would still cost money as i'd need to buy all the stuff you listed and have to mail order it, incurring in high delivery costs.

about the chicken pellets, they're certified organic so i assume it should be genuine chicken shit and it's NPK values are 4.5-3.5-2.5. I usually throw a couple of handful of them in the soil mix but forgot this time.

How do you decide what goes into your tea and in what quantity? it'd be interesting if I could make an alternative tea with stuff that i find locally (ireland) like the above pellets, seaweed, etc.

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see the NPK or organic listing for those pellets when I looked at the link. I must've been in a hurry. Yea, you could totally use those in your tea. :lol:

I originally got my tea recipe from the tea sticky in the organics forum, and then started tweaking a little to meet my needs. You can use kelp/seaweed for sure in there. I just don't because I get enough K from my compost, but tons of people put kelp in it.

The bucket should cost you less than 15 bucks to make. You don't even have to use the gang valve, you can literally just use the aquarium pump, a buck, and aquarium hose. So you can use local stuff for your teas. You can buy worm castings from a local store probably, and you might want to start making your own castings.

But yea, if you set up your bucket, you can use those pellets in the tea. I don't know how much to recommend you use, but I would think no more than a tsp or two for each plant in the tea.