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  1. ganjalibera

    three finger leaves

    it's getting the same amount of sun the other 9 are getting, so i think something must have happened to stunt it or maybe was just a bad seed.
  2. ganjalibera

    three finger leaves

    I know it's not ideal but i have to do it at least until they show if they're dudes or ladies as i don't have a lot of space and i want to be sure to get, hopefully, no less than 3-4 female plants. I kept 2 plants per pot before with decent results, although that was lowryder and i have no...
  3. ganjalibera

    three finger leaves

    thanks man, god knows what strain this is. I'll just leave it for a while and see, although I don't like the idea that it could be more vulnerable to disease
  4. ganjalibera

    three finger leaves

    Hi all I'm trying to grow a few plants from bag seed. there are 2 plants in each 12 litre bucket (10 in total), some are doing better than others, but one in particular is a bit strange as it only grows 3 finger leaves instead of the classic 5. Usually the first set of fan leaves are like that...
  5. ganjalibera

    Easy Ryder moisture stress, Issue with Compacted Soil in Mid flowering ?

    I had a very similar problem with lowryder and I believed it was caused by excessive heat, so I lifted the light a bit, added another fan and seemed to work. you said the soil dried overnight, which makes me think there's too much heat in there too. You should also make sure you mix perlite with...
  6. ganjalibera

    **Nirvana's Feminized White Widow CFL Grow**

    Nice grow dude, but if i was you i would tell NOBODY that you grew it. it's hard to keep it to yourself, especially when you get such a nice crop, but you never know.
  7. ganjalibera

    Can I Let My Compost Tea Brew Long Than 24 Hour

    I just (a couple of days ago) watered my plants with my own compost tea brew but I didn't dilute it. The plants seem fine but i'll try to remember that tip next time