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  1. SloMo

    combining veggies and mary in the same room

    i have a continuous herb garden planted in a 4"x18" windowsill type box in my VEG room at 18/6. it stays just as lush as the canniplants that pass by it every few weeks. i always have a steady supply of basil, rosemary, thyme, and cumin. since these are all herbs, and you dont want them to...
  2. SloMo

    100% Grow Virgin

    there is a hydro nutes kit out there made by "Techna Flora" called " recipe for success" it cost about 30 bucks at your local hydro store, or find it online. It consists of about 8 bottles of veg and bloom nutes, and very easy yet detailed instructions on how and when to use them. as far as the...
  3. SloMo

    the tent i made was pretty much an indian TP. mine was made of sticks but you can buy a couple...

    the tent i made was pretty much an indian TP. mine was made of sticks but you can buy a couple 2x2 boards... if you can call them boards or anything long and straight...say broom handles, or pvc pipe... basicly 3 or 4 sticks in the shape of a pyramid attached at the top, wrapped with semi clear...
  4. SloMo

    Should I bring my plant in?

    Kill IT! Kill IT With FIRE! dont let that guy in you house!
  5. SloMo

    1st time grower...just a few questions

    dont look sativa dominant!? the leaves are long and spindley as opposed to wide and stout!.... are you serious? that shits gonna be giggley as fuck. please note i said sativa dominant.... not sativa.
  6. SloMo

    indoor compost?

    So, I know all the awesome things that natural compost does for our plants (as well as helping our planet). i was raised by a pack of tree huggers (god bless they're music and smoke) my question is, now that i'm grown, and living in my urban apartment (and cultivating "plants") i still produce a...
  7. SloMo

    Transplanting to 5 gallon buckets

    a couple inches of pea gravel at the bottom is always a good idea, and holes for drainage. my daddy taught me to put the holes in the sides of the bucket down at the very very bottom to let the excess water drain easier, and it keeps those little bottom roots that do make it through from...
  8. SloMo

    1st time grower...just a few questions

    sativa dominant for sure... mmm mmmm sweet sativa!
  9. SloMo

    1st time grower...just a few questions

    in Georgia .... those gals should be just fine. just give them time. what are you using for nutes btw?
  10. SloMo

    5 month old, 1 week into flowering. :/

    i used to start tomatoes real early in the spring, and on the nights we had a frost advisory, i covered them with a simple home made tent made of that semi clear plastic sheeting, and stuck a heated dog water dish in there with them. i suppose it would work in your case as well. i had plants...
  11. SloMo

    wasting my time?

    if the socket is for a standard bulb, put a CFL in there, and keep the light about 3 inches from the plant... your set.
  12. SloMo

    need help for setting up HPS light

    make sure you're not running too manyamps forthe breaker your outlet is on. hang cords out of the way, and keep them 18-24 inches above your canopy, and wait for them buds to ripen! oh yea, keep your ballast and all electrical connections knee level or higher just in case of water accidents
  13. SloMo

    What's A Small Plant That Can Grow Fruits?

    Strawberries Yo!
  14. SloMo

    wasting my time?

    if you've got lights and a timer, and if its a girl, you otta get something. pretty simple realy, plant a seed, give it water and light, and it grows.
  15. SloMo

    Seed germination in rockwool?wtf???

    germ them in a wet paper towel, or cup of water, or one of the hundred other ways, as soon as they crack open, pop em in your rockwool. works great.
  16. SloMo

    after germination?

    for germination, i would highly recomend some cool white floros, or CFL's #1 better light spectrum. #2 you will get MUCH more usable light to the seedlings because you'll be able to have your lamp right on top of them (like 3 inches away) #3 250w to germ 2 seeds is a huge waste of electricity...
  17. SloMo

    400w cfl... but want more? +rep for help!!

    thats just not enough height for hid lighting. have you thought about LED? a couple 50 or 90 watt UFO's would make a 2.5 by 5 area absolutley explode! that is, if you have the cash for it.
  18. SloMo

    Haha Made grow room in my parents house, and a mod found my thread

    just tell them that weed is the only thing that will keep you off crack, and they dont want a crackhead living with them... do they?
  19. SloMo

    can you tell if they are female? (pics included)

    Lovely 'lil ladies! CONGRATS!
  20. SloMo

    Draining A Roughneck??

    in the past, i used to use a cheap submersible pump (10 BUCKS or less), and a 20 foot (or however far it is to you closest drain) coil of 1/2 inch tubing. simply run the hose to your drain, or window, even a bucket. plug 'er in and wait 5 minutes.