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  1. SloMo

    Dieing leaves, should I cut them off?

    why does the soil in your plants look groomed? was that for the pics? the ground keeping there looks better then my zen garden! LOL. just bustin your chops! whats the humidity like in there?
  2. SloMo

    Dieing leaves, should I cut them off?

    tits or gtfo.... where does your info come from?
  3. SloMo

    Dieing leaves, should I cut them off?

    yes, 600 puts out quite a bit of radiant heat, those are just babies. i'd give em around 24 inches. the tried and tru method is put your hand in there... does it feel hotter than a nice summer day at the top of your plants? if so, too close.... if not adjust. btw name caught my eye... i'm...
  4. SloMo

    how long til finish....and piss test question lol

    you've still got at least a month on the sativa nuggs, but thats only speculation. as far as the UA is concerened, part 1. eat a big ass medium rare steak, or a couple thick ass home made burgers the day before your drug test. (seriously) red meat will increase the creatine in your piss (which...
  5. SloMo

    sog method

    i do 2 1/2 cloning 2 1/2 vegging in the same room. same light scheduel.
  6. SloMo

    Dieing leaves, should I cut them off?

    get rid of the yellow ones, the plant is waisting energy tyring to heal them (which isn't gonna happen) either pinch em off with clean fingernails, or snip em with steril scissors, you should be good to go. the tops look fine. what kind of light?
  7. SloMo

    Need help with DIY venting

    you kinda seem like the kind of guy who needs to buy a tent, buy a lamp, buy pre mix soil, rent a mexican, get an appartment, set everything up, let your friend and the mexican take care of it, take credit for some sugary buds, then, come back and tell RIU all about it (minus the mexican). i...
  8. SloMo

    cloning the clones of the clones of clones

    yowza..... guess this is the end of it?... i'd like to hear some more educated opinions.
  9. SloMo

    indoor compost?

    Great site!. wish more people knew about the benifits. personally, i grow my smoke hydro, but i've got some herbs and veggies in soil in my veg ten. (also garden spring and summer) i read so many posts by people growinginsoil wondering who knows the best nutes for growing, when tha answer is in...
  10. SloMo

    2nd grow cant get more than 1/2 oz per plant

    i use filtered tap water, usually comes out 7.2 to 7.4 i let it set in open area 5 gal bucket for (usually) 2 days, then pH down.
  11. SloMo

    2nd grow cant get more than 1/2 oz per plant

    thanks!, fungi are super easy to grow, even more so than weed.
  12. SloMo

    2nd grow cant get more than 1/2 oz per plant

    yea, 7 no good. give them straight water for a couple days, then try slightly more acidic nutes.
  13. SloMo

    im so dumb lol..

    hit me with a pm... were there any seeds in that smoke? LOL
  14. SloMo

    2nd grow cant get more than 1/2 oz per plant

    yowza. lotsa info there, to me it seems, right outta the gate. drop the pH a bit, your running neutral, good smoke likes between 5.5 and 6.5. personally i run about 5.8. also with that many plants in that space, have you considered hydro? maybe a ScrOG? from what you've said, it sounds like...
  15. SloMo

    My Super (15 Ounce Every 2 weeks) SOG Grow Room

    try 4 600's. what kind of reflector can manage 50 sq ft? especially in a 5x10 configuration? is 15 oz an estimate?
  16. SloMo

    How much bud can I expect to harvest?

    without pics, i can only guess... but 30 inches? i bet you harvest at least 50 buds off every plant. if a man walking from Detroit can average 12 miles a day, how long will it take him to get where he is going? i really wish people would stop asking this harvest question.
  17. SloMo

    Should I Flower? (Pics)

    if they are 16 inches, and you only have 30 more (with room for light?) Change that timer. you might be supprised at how much they stretch before they're done.
  18. SloMo

    Mating Mystery

    not flippin. not actin. you didn't attack me, chill! was just sayin wait for a leaf or two to tell if its MJ or not, and tossin a bit of humor around. lighten up... stuff your bongbongsmilie
  19. SloMo

    Mating Mystery

    BINGO! you never said you had seeds that didn't come up! :wall:
  20. SloMo

    Need help with DIY venting

    also.... people back me up here.... DONT GROW IN YOUR PARENTS HOUSE BRO!... cumon. your all grown up. your in college. you know this is illegal! you get caught, your parents could lose their home! their cars. yourtuition is now just bail money and attorney fees! growing IS wonderful.... its...