sog method


So I have a few questions here about the sog method???

1. How tall should my plants be before putting them into flowering??

2. If my plants are too remain small, would it be better to throw my clones straight into flowering instead of letting them stag in vegg stage???

3. If this is the case I would only need my 1000watt flowerig room and an area to allow my clones to grow out a bit. When my flowering plants are finished I could just put my climes right into flowering. This would eliminate me needing an extra vegg room...

Otherwise I need a flowering room, vegg room, and area for freshly cutt clones. I'm trying to eliminate vegg room since this time is for plants to grow. If sog method used only small plants then why grow during vegg stage???

Any ideas???


Active Member
1. Depends on personal preference. But for a sog I'd say 8-12 inches.

2. Some people like to flower straight from their clones taking root, I don't. I prefer some veg time.

3. Clones waiting to root and vegging plants can co-exist in the same room as they require the same light schedule.

Just my 2 cents on the matter.


1. Depends on personal preference. But for a sog I'd say 8-12 inches.

2. Some people like to flower straight from their clones taking root, I don't. I prefer some veg time.

3. Clones waiting to root and vegging plants can co-exist in the same room as they require the same light schedule.

Just my 2 cents on the matter.
Thanks a lot, so clones could go into the vegg room with 400 watt mh light?


Well-Known Member
Make sure that you lollypop the plants or you could end up with rot at the base of the plants.I flower at about a ft in size and the plants end up about 2/3ft.If possible try to move the plants around on a weekly basis.