How much bud can I expect to harvest?


Active Member
Ive got 2 Indica plants that are about 30 inches tall. They have been flowering for about 4 weeks now.

Just wondering, how much bud does one plant (indica) typical produce?


Well-Known Member
so many variables...soil/hydro..? what lighting have you got and are there any photos..? make it at least possible to guess :^)


Active Member
so many variables...soil/hydro..? what lighting have you got and are there any photos..? make it at least possible to guess :^)
haha, woops

yehh details would be nice.

Its a hydro grow with 2 (105) watt CFL's. Im using advanced nutrients. Im gonna put up pics soon, just need to find my camera.


without pics, i can only guess... but 30 inches? i bet you harvest at least 50 buds off every plant. if a man walking from Detroit can average 12 miles a day, how long will it take him to get where he is going? i really wish people would stop asking this harvest question.


Well-Known Member
haha, woops

yehh details would be nice.

Its a hydro grow with 2 (105) watt CFL's. Im using advanced nutrients. Im gonna put up pics soon, just need to find my camera.
You're gonna need a lot more light if you choose to stay cfl, or you could take the money you're gonna spend on those bulbs and get a 400w hps(around $175.00) and really flower those girls.


Active Member
You're gonna need a lot more light if you choose to stay cfl, or you could take the money you're gonna spend on those bulbs and get a 400w hps(around $175.00) and really flower those girls.

I was thinking about getting a 150 watt HPS, but I dont know if I can go any higher than that. Heats a bit of an issue since Im growing in an armoire. And I know it would be way more efficient to use HPS with the greater lumen output and all.

CFLs are just better for me with the low heat output

Right now with both the lights on it stays around 82 degrees in there. So im not sure about the HPS light just yet, maybe with another fan.

I bet you all do hear that question alot, but I havent been able to find an answer just by looking in the FAQ's so yehh


Active Member
without pics, i can only guess... but 30 inches? i bet you harvest at least 50 buds off every plant. if a man walking from Detroit can average 12 miles a day, how long will it take him to get where he is going? i really wish people would stop asking this harvest question.
man bet first time u grew u was wondering same thing. how much am i going to get everyone does it and every newbie is going to ask. its human naturebongsmilie


Active Member
82 degrees is a little two high need to get it down around mid 70's for veg low 70's for flowering


Active Member
man bet first time u grew u was wondering same thing. how much am i going to get everyone does it and every newbie is going to ask. its human naturebongsmilie
Ok scratch the 30 inches, I was thinking of my other indica/sativa mix that turned out to be a hermie :cry: DAMN IT lol

The two ive got left are just around 16 and 20 inches respectively.

This is my first grow by the way (from bagseed) I just wanted to get a feel for it before I grew something good and killed em. Its going ok so far, and I ordered my Ganesh seeds a few days ago!! Cant wait for those!

Heres some pics:



Active Member
Ok scratch the 30 inches, I was thinking of my other indica/sativa mix that turned out to be a hermie :cry: DAMN IT lol

The two ive got left are just around 16 and 20 inches respectively.

This is my first grow by the way (from bagseed) I just wanted to get a feel for it before I grew something good and killed em. Its going ok so far, and I ordered my Ganesh seeds a few days ago!! Cant wait for those!

Heres some pics:

Its my first grow so I know they dont look great. Little nute burn on the small one.

Test grow


Active Member
still hard to tell man. y some ppl get aggrivated but one thing is for sure its more than u had and its urs. keep growing ur yeilds will get bigger. my guess be about an oz off the two plants


Active Member
maybe an oz not much man, your setup looks like ok. you can deff do better do some more homework on the site and get some more ideas, its got potential good luck to you. ooo and i read that one was male... that means soon all of those plants are going to turn male watch out if thats the case


Active Member
maybe an oz not much man, your setup looks like ok. you can deff do better do some more homework on the site and get some more ideas, its got potential good luck to you. ooo and i read that one was male... that means soon all of those plants are going to turn male watch out if thats the case

Nahh I think Im good, I took out the hermie quick before it could pollinate the females so I feel pretty good about that.

I ordered a 120cfm fan for exhaust so hopefully that will drop the temp down to good levels.

Id really appreciate any tips though! Im completely new at this, and even if I only get an zip its cool its more fun than anything.


Well-Known Member
did any one else on this thread get a weird rep from a fake ludicrous #1 ????


go buy two four packs of 3000k (Warm) colored 100w equivelent CFL's and place four a piece around the plants-- your yield will boost at least 20%