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  1. SloMo

    Need help with DIY venting

    you never really need an intake fan no matter what size grow. an exhaust fan creates negitive pressure in the room. intake will only let air in. try to drink through a straw while your blowing bubbles. the air pressure cant move in 2 directions at once.
  2. SloMo

    Mating Mystery

    i've never had a "accidental" male indoors. i dont know about you, but i inspect my beauties everyday. and if it did turn out to be male've got a couple weeks AT LEAST till the pollen sacks bust. 2 thats what i'm sayin man! this would be immaculate conception! we need those seeds! LOL! all...
  3. SloMo

    Mating Mystery

    DEFINATLEY! let it grow till you can see the leaves.... i mean cumon. if it is somkeable.... i want some seeds.... we could name it "virgin mary jane"
  4. SloMo

    Mating Mystery

    that may not be weed. kinda need a closer pic of the sprout. maybe somone fuckin with ya? or possibly some random weed... like "not the smokin" kind of weed. what kind of soil? causethats NOT how plants reproduce.
  5. SloMo

    Mating Mystery

    i gotz to see this..... although wasnt it curiousity that killed.... wait... i mean curious george got the.... uuhhh... nevermind i'm flippin blazed. lets see those pics.
  6. SloMo

    For those who said you can't smoke a leaf...

    HAHAHA! Right!on Bro. sure its harsh, and tastes like something that would better be mixed in pasta suace, but i've been in your boat too. twistin up a hog leg of some leaves will do the trick when push comes to shove. enjoyyour dinner!
  7. SloMo

    Need help with DIY venting

    wucha do with the bottles when they're dead? ever think about makin a little pot still to produce some 190 proof for tincture? any thaughts anyone?
  8. SloMo

    Need help with DIY venting

    small hole at near the top, same near the bottom, any little bit of heat from the lamps will cause air circulation. hot air rising out the top, in turn pulling fresh air in through the bottom, plus if you open it up a couple times a day to check on your babies you'll have plenty of air exchange...
  9. SloMo

    Nutrient Mix Ques. + REP 4 Answers!!!!

    personally i use different jugs for grow and bloom, but as long as you rinse it out it should be just fine, for your second question i've heard many people say "use it within an hour" which makes no sence to me, as its gonna be sitting in my resuvare (sp) for two weeks while its doin its...
  10. SloMo

    indoor compost?

    Awsome. thanks delerious. looks like i can pick up a unit for about 60 bucks.
  11. SloMo

    Purple CFL's. The low down!!

    lol. so basicly that add is saying "slap a piece of pink plexiglass in front of a cfl, and it will hammer out more light than a hps or UFO" GTFO!
  12. SloMo

    cloning the clones of the clones of clones

    i've personally taken clones from clones multiple times with no noticeable differences in the actual bud. although i have had variations in yeild and quality that could only be attributed to changes that I made... ie; trying different nutes, lights, grow methods, and or harvesting time. DNA is...
  13. SloMo

    First legitimite grow

    kinda rude to refer to his babies as "fella" dont you think? lol
  14. SloMo

    blue mystic 600watt hps yield guess w/ pics

    your just gonna have to wait and see my friend, nice looking plants though. what kind of nutes you using?
  15. SloMo

    helllpppppp!!!!!!!!! lol

    i would not feed anymore until your plants are a few weeks old.
  16. SloMo

    Obama bud

    Obama bud would be some shitty dirt bag weed that wouldn't get you high.... though it might fuck you up, and you could make someone else pay for it.
  17. SloMo

    100% Grow Virgin

    growspace dimensions are really the answer to that. you have a great idea btw! i'd say a 24x48 space with two 150's would reap you well over an ounce every month or so. 2 SCRogs side by side even.
  18. SloMo

    Need to build a custom "pot". Ideas for a construction material???

    if your looking for cheap, and disposable, i got one for you... when i was growing up in the sticks, and we grew plants on our deck with no pots / planters. we simply cut an X on the side of a bag of soil, and let it grow out of the bag.... surly you could do the same with doubled or tripled...
  19. SloMo

    recrystalizing bho?

    wow... uuhhh... imma have to keep my eye on this one! the physics sound right, but the only thing i know about chocolate is that it gives me cottonmouth and makes me want more.... just like weed!
  20. SloMo

    DIYer looking for some ideas.

    run a search online for a " catfish yo yo" they're usually only a buck or two each, only problem is, they usually come in packs of ten or twelve. but i havn't bought them in years you might get lucky. Infact!... you tube it! so as you can get an idea of what it is/ how it works!