1st time grower...just a few questions

A friend of mine asked if i could find a forum to ask some questions for him. i have never grown and neither has he. I was just wondering if it was too late in the year for these to bud? We live in Georgia. Pretty warm here. Plants are outside and are given the nutrients mentioned in the guide on this site. they were showing signs of nutrient problems and i read one of the guides and they are looking better. Is there any way to trigger budding? or should we just let 'em grow and get what we get and try again next year. Taking them inside would be good but its not possible at his house. Any help would be appreciated.


Bob Saggit

your plants are budding. you should read posts in the harvesting and curing forum to learn about the proper time to pick those girls but right now they look like they're in flowering and need some more time


Well-Known Member
Looks to me like you got a late start by the size but they are budding right now.

Budding is triggered by light. at about 13 hours of daylight is when it starts no matter what size it is.

The longer it has to grow before this happens then the length of time in flower and the strain all determin how big the buds get.

Better luck next time.
Looks to me like you got a late start by the size but they are budding right now.

The longer it has to grow before this happens then the length of time in flower and the strain all determin how big the buds get.

He did plant them late from what i've read. Is there any way to determin what type of plant they are by looks?


Well-Known Member
Not really, Most likely its a sativa/Indica cross of some kind. Fat leaves are Indica and skinny ones are sativa but thats about all I can tell you.


in Georgia .... those gals should be just fine. just give them time. what are you using for nutes btw?


How the hell can you tell that from the picture, those leafs dont look sativa.
dont look sativa dominant!? the leaves are long and spindley as opposed to wide and stout!.... are you serious? that shits gonna be giggley as fuck. please note i said sativa dominant.... not sativa.
in Georgia .... those gals should be just fine. just give them time. what are you using for nutes btw?

We planted them in some organic soil a friend suggested. mixed a liquid plant food that has nitrogen and and some other stuff i can look and tell u later also a limestone with phosphorus, calcium, maganese or magnesium...cant remember and a few other things the limestone was added recently they were showing signs of lacking those nutrients and i got on here and read and read and found that limestone at the local landscaping/gardening store and put on them and they started looking better but like what someone mentioned earlier in the post... we started too late and it was pretty much a learning experience next time it will probably be done out doors with a good organic soil and guano mix