wasting my time?

first grow, 4 shits and giggles.

germinated bag seed, got 3 tap roots,
2 took root, 1 survived transplant.

now in 5 gallon bucket
(might have transplanted too soon:
first set of serrated leaves had just shown
only one left, but looks like its getting stronger.)

bottom half of bucket: organic soil w/ pea gravel. top half: straight organic soil.
holes drilled in bottom, standing on bricks in kitty litter pan

feeding every 3 days, water twice a day
(just enough to keep soil moist)

Q: is it going to die? if not, will i even get a harvest? (even a small yield is worth it)
is it worth it to keep going?
also, don't want it to get too big. i don't have a lot of room.

sorry 4 no pics. don't have camera


Well-Known Member
water the plant when the top 2" of soil becomes dry. it's not neccessary or healthy to constantly keep the soil moist....


if you've got lights and a timer, and if its a girl, you otta get something. pretty simple realy, plant a seed, give it water and light, and it grows.
thanks, i guess i'll keep it growing
not losing anything i guess, and only option available at the moment.

also: cutting back on the watering now
thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
cut back on nutes too... once - twice a week is enough.... start at 1/2 stength and ease up to full strenght....

try and keep the PH of the soil slightly acidic and good luck...
i have this drafters desklamp

it uses both a circular flouresent tube, and has an incadesent socket inside.

replaced incadesent with HID, not sure of type.

gives off very bright white light when both lights are on.

light is at top of bucket, foil covering inside walls down to soil.

plant is about 2.5 inches w/ lights maybe 6 inches above


Active Member
nah man just keep growing it if it grows good you'll get a yield just make sure it doesn't go thru any stress let it have its rest and give it light so it doesnt turn male.


i have this drafters desklamp

it uses both a circular flouresent tube, and has an incadesent socket inside.

replaced incadesent with HID, not sure of type.

gives off very bright white light when both lights are on.

light is at top of bucket, foil covering inside walls down to soil.

plant is about 2.5 inches w/ lights maybe 6 inches above
if the socket is for a standard bulb, put a CFL in there, and keep the light about 3 inches from the plant... your set.