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  1. D

    shortest lasting trip?

    what produces the shortest lasting effect that you can grow at home?
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    Seedlings falling over, thin stems.

    normally happens to me when i.. 1. light isn't strong enough 2. light is to far away
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    compost placement

    thanks for the info !
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    Spider mites.

    everywhere. room pots around pots on floor I got about 2 table spoons just in my aquaponic set up. i don't mist on leafs .. but that's because my bugs where gone b4 i felt i had to try it. anything spicy works garlic onion HOT peppers but I have tried garlic and onion in mass amounts with no...
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    Spider mites.

    idk about mites but for aphids I use a whole cove of garlic and 1/2 onion I use a vegie smoothie maker to shred mine add it to 1 gal water and just put it everywhere, non toxic wont hurt plants do it every 2 weeks for 3 months because eggs will just keep hatching. it kills in hours, put a...
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    Clones wilting in bubble cloner

    ph should be around 5-6 it will swing up and down with light cycles but anything over 6.5 might aswell be battery acid in hydroponic setups. also try to leave your water out overnight then put it in system to get rid of stuff the city puts in. normally I skip that last step but I use 30 gals of...
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    Get ready for the crackdown!

    everyone just needs to grow their own and we would have 0 ppl in jail for weed unless you commit another crime and they search your house. took me threatening my city sheriff and telling him I'd rather die to a pig's gun than a seizure in jail. this was after I was pronounced dead and they...
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    Clones wilting in bubble cloner

    I'd switch to a hanging root style cloner like the $50 cheapo from htg supply. I find any bubbleponics system to just be to much water for the clones, if you use a rooting gel it's just gonna fall off. at least with areo the gel will mix with the water pump and apply it over n over. also this...
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    What is The Least Time Consuming Method Of Indoor Growing?????

    the fish are just shiners from the local boat ramp their only job is to poo and feed my plants through the sump filtration system my sump filter is actually in side my aeroponic tote.. BUT yes the whole reason I started this set up a year ago is to test weather I could maintain a aquaponic...
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    poppy's not sprouting

    I'm having real issue getting poppy's to sprout. can i help germination in any way like soaking in water b4 hand? last time I did this I had more plants than I could control now I got 6 in 30 days sprout. was thinking about staring over with out pots just use a a single vat of soil so i can just...
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    What is The Least Time Consuming Method Of Indoor Growing?????

    I have a aquaponic set up I can go 1 week take 5 mins to feed fish a bunch of brine shrimp and monthly i might do a 25-35% water change and 1/3 recommended nuets.. other than that. having a biological filter in the mix for the fish actually help a lot at keeping my ppm level low I guess. because...
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    compost placement

    Got about 100 plants in ground, I just got my hands on some free compost and was wondering if it's ok to just throw it over my already planted and flowering- watermelons, onions, peppers, and, beans. or should I save it for when I plant more later in year and till it in? only reason I want to...
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    Ass Backwards

    go old school find good ole dungeon siege 2 that thing with mods keep you busy 4 ever. I think one player I have has 5 companions who all can summon 6 pets....kinda lol
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    Why do my clones die after they root?

    looks to me like a plant I over watered once. but it also looks like what happens when you use soap to get rid of mites(inside joke)
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    male ...female ..hermaphrodite ?? and I actualy use about 1/3 dosage 600watt bloom my ph is a steady 5.8-6.2 I run lights at night to get around power high cost times. temp at night is around 76 but during the day 90 my ac been having a hard time keeping up...
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    make a job out of this

    I would but the county wont allow me to raise anything for resale at my house and even then a aquaponic license in my state requires a inspection. that's why I had to think larger but so far I'm 10 grand in to a 4k motor now that was my pipe dream, this is actually doable. the only reason I...
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    make a job out of this

    lol life just reminded me I'm not allowed to get ahead in this world after 3 months of working on my car motor my guy says he can't complete the job it's giving him issue after issue. life just had to remind me not to try to be anything. so anyone wanna steal that idea go ahead haha.
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    Off Grid Solar (PV) to 12v LED

    you would be better of setting up a wood gasifier and feeding it to charge system you can buy them about 1500-3500 and only hook it to your set up with a battery back, depending on your set up and the gasifier you get +generator if not built in kind. gasifiers run off wood chips and yard...
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    What kind of game do you like to play when you're high?

    Nothing is better than smoking a blunt and killing a poor guy in Faction Warfare just trying to make a plex ...teeeee.hheee.hhhee I love EVE Online. no other game in the world makes you feel that way, when you feel like you heart just dropped to the floor because a sub cap fleet just bridged in...
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    male ...female ..hermaphrodite ??

    I been re-using same seeds for .... o a year now. they a a breeding mix of ak47 , sour diesel, and about 30 other reggy seeds. the past 2 grows every plant is a female then about 80% through budding I always notice a few male parts starting to show at the base of a few buds. Q. is this genetics...