Spider mites.

Has anyone completely rid themselves of spider mites once you had them, if so what did u use and can you use all the way up until harvest
Mitey Wash works well for outbreaks. I have not seen a mite since I started running slow release dichlorvos.
nothing that kills them will be safe up to harvest, maybe cold water spritz from a hose outdoors to keep them at bay if you have a well controlled room. vacuum cleaner, ice water
idk about mites but for aphids I use a whole cove of garlic and 1/2 onion I use a vegie smoothie maker to shred mine add it to 1 gal water and just put it everywhere, non toxic wont hurt plants do it every 2 weeks for 3 months because eggs will just keep hatching. it kills in hours, put a container with water near your issue and they will drowned themselves just to get away from smell. might wanna try it.
nothing that kills them will be safe up to harvest, maybe cold water spritz from a hose outdoors to keep them at bay if you have a well controlled room. vacuum cleaner, ice water
Is it possible to totally rid your rooms of them, or would it be almost better to finish off what I have then start over it's not a bad infestation yet, I just picked up some green cleaner. Pruning the shit out of them. And basically drenching them with a industrial pump sprayer. I'm still about only 3 weeks into flower.
idk about mites but for aphids I use a whole cove of garlic and 1/2 onion I use a vegie smoothie maker to shred mine add it to 1 gal water and just put it everywhere, non toxic wont hurt plants do it every 2 weeks for 3 months because eggs will just keep hatching. it kills in hours, put a container with water near your issue and they will drowned themselves just to get away from smell. might wanna try it.
So what just basically pour it around the room?
So what just basically pour it around the room?
everywhere. room pots around pots on floor I got about 2 table spoons just in my aquaponic set up. i don't mist on leafs .. but that's because my bugs where gone b4 i felt i had to try it.

anything spicy works garlic onion HOT peppers but I have tried garlic and onion in mass amounts with no issues to my plants, the hot pepper I can't help but to wonder if it would effect ph
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Exposure to myself?
Yes, exposure to yourself. Worst case you would get a headache. You can read the 100+ page report on dichlorvos put out by the Australians, which encompasses all the USA research as well. Dichlorvos is potentially dangerous in liquid form and not at all dangerous in slow release form. Hot Shot Pest Strips use slow release dichlorvos. These get branded differently in other countries.
Is it possible to totally rid your rooms of them, or would it be almost better to finish off what I have then start over it's not a bad infestation yet, I just picked up some green cleaner. Pruning the shit out of them. And basically drenching them with a industrial pump sprayer. I'm still about only 3 weeks into flower.
3 weeks, hmmm. you got lots of options, some are not so bad.. learn from this, dont let it happen again.
when you're done bleach and bomb this room
Has anyone completely rid themselves of spider mites once you had them, if so what did u use and can you use all the way up until harvest
I've tried every mite-killer on the planet and the best, safest, cleanest and easiest with no repeat application is to use predator mites.
everything else they will eventually build a resistance to it, and then you have virtually created an evolved spider mite with pesticide resistance.
whiiiiich is baaad...
almost everything that you use will work temporarily, but no chemical or miticide will work indefinitely
don't ask how I know this...
mites are amazing creatures, and because of their extremely short lifespan, you can have 6-10 generations of mites created in ONE grow, no shit. Think about that...
so in one year that could mean potentially up 40 generations of mites, and more importantly that's 40 generations of mites that have been exposed and have mutated/adapted to whatever pesticide you are using..
so for the hell of it, lets compare that to humans, avg generation is around 60 yrs, and that times 40 and that's like having ancestors from the BC era. 2400 yrs ago..
and alllllll of that can be achieved/mutated within a yr, and that's why spider mites are fuckin badass lil bastards..
I had mites that would laugh at dichlorvos, azamax, forbid, avid, pyrethrums, and a couple others I can't recall off hand.
only thing that works everytime is a physical approach, either by frequent sprayings of like a desiccant or simply introducing a bunch of predator mites that get to go and systematically hunt down and eat the spider mites alive..
which honestly makes my heart happy to imagine them being torn apart and eaten alive, in a violent and traumatizing death...
Has anyone completely rid themselves of spider mites once you had them, if so what did u use and can you use all the way up until harvest

Cut down all your flowering plants, completely clean the SHIT out other rooms, pots, water jugs, yada yada,then spray all your vegging plants with Avid. Follow instructions. It'll set you back about a month and a half, but it's better than perpetually subdueing them temporarily with mighty wash and such. Avid stays in the plant, so subsequent generations of mites are effected.