Off Grid Solar (PV) to 12v LED

I'm doing horticulture research on LED lighting. Why would I do that outside or in a greenhouse? Because it's not rational? You are making assumptions.

Sorry, but this thread and my answer are not about your use cases, they were addressed to the OP who just wants to grow weed cheaply, and is not researching indoor lighting.
With currently available technology, grid power, if available at less than about $0.75 kWh (give or take), is the most cost effective way to go. Batteries (and a generator which is needed when there isn't enough sunshine) are very expensive, and only make monetary sense if the grid is not available (or is ultra expensive).

If you live where grid power is not available, a greenhouse grow will probably be a better option.
WOW! Thank you guys for all of the information! You’re the best. I am sorry that I was away for a while. I was inundated with work and school (…yeah, I continuously take classes, ugh.). Deadlines and demands monopolize my life. I will try to address all aspects as I assimilate and evaluate your input, but it might take a few posts to acknowledge everyone. Again, thanks to everyone who took their time to respond, your knowledge is highly valued and appreciated.

First, some background. I am located in a legal state, urban locale, and expensive electric (> $0.35/KWH). The grid is reliable, but the space and sun are limited. I am in a valley, so wind is sparse and turbine would be obtrusive, if not against code. The preponderance of the residents in my location are of low socioeconomic standing and are prone to acquiring commodities questionably, therefore a greenhouse would be subject to intrusion, if noticeable. This environment has considerable detriments, yet offers some attractive incentives, if the cost-to-benefit ratio can be engineered in a favorable fashion.

I have access to plenty of LED lights and I push about 3KW of real power through them, but I got whacked with a $700 bill last month. I was in veg, so it was 24/7, but if I incorporate a supplemental solar system, I might be able to reduce this expense, while maintaining security. A direct Photo-voltaic push is alluring because acquisition of the collectors is relatively inexpensive and the electron movement is harmonious, i.e., it does not need to be changed. I agree that pushing higher voltage, 48VDC (or more) instead of 36VDC, is more efficient and thus a great suggestion. I will try to attain higher voltage panels. I am still considering how to build the system.

I have a lot to learn about the configuration, components, and efficiency of a solar powered system. The goal is to harness energies in the most efficient manner, with regards to the restrictions existing in the current environment. Thanks to your contributions, I am now enabled to make educated decisions about the feasibility and design on this PV system.

Thank you all again for your contributions – please keep them coming,


I'm currently in the same boat. Really want to make my Grow rooms RE. Sick of the Elec. costs. Currently building out my new rooms for a Solar only powered run. Def. expensive to get into, But I'm looking more into the warranties and degradation of solar components over the life of their warranty's. 25 year claims are worth looking into. Test your shit and if it fails get new equipment.
I'm currently in the same boat. Really want to make my Grow rooms RE. Sick of the Elec. costs. Currently building out my new rooms for a Solar only powered run. Def. expensive to get into, But I'm looking more into the warranties and degradation of solar components over the life of their warranty's. 25 year claims are worth looking into. Test your shit and if it fails get new equipment.
I just wish solar weren't so inefficient
@ZxcStaz , are you in Southern California? If you are, you should look into the various ways in which your electric utility bills for usage, there may be usage and billings plans available the will more economically align with your grow consumption.

Grid tie solar probably offers the greatest economic benefits. Even at $0.35 per kWh, any battery system is going to cost 2-3 times that once you factor in all the requirements for using them safely and efficiently.
I am no electrician or inventor nor anything alike. I have a suggestion and some smart person some day will take it and run with it. I wonder if putting kinetic energy generators in the blades of the wind turbines of a fan or whatever is moving to increase power output and increasing efficiency.
Not solving your problem I appolagise, but I also had and I dea for making efficient ocean and river electricity farms. I mean waterfalls and dams with water outlets all have overlooked energy producing sources which would increase efficiency and therefor reduce our final costs, as well as not increasing carbon footprint.
just a normal guys idea
I am no electrician or inventor nor anything alike. I have a suggestion and some smart person some day will take it and run with it. I wonder if putting kinetic energy generators in the blades of the wind turbines of a fan or whatever is moving to increase power output and increasing efficiency.
Not solving your problem I appolagise, but I also had and I dea for making efficient ocean and river electricity farms. I mean waterfalls and dams with water outlets all have overlooked energy producing sources which would increase efficiency and therefor reduce our final costs, as well as not increasing carbon footprint.
just a normal guys idea

Are you talking about hydro electric generators? Or something different? They have small ones for home use.
not really,I just threw the idea out there because there are alot of smarter people out there than me, some probably reading this so if youmake money off it remember who gave you the idea.there are kinetic energy generators which generate energy from the item moving around, string a bunch of lines from surface to near bottom and hookthem all together in tide in the ocean or river to produce a bunch of power in a space thus calling it a farm. but anything in motion would generate extra energy that way which if ever efficient enough a system is used a perpetual energy generator could exist.
That is why I said it wouldnt help the solar cause, but yes if you lived by a moving water source a water powered source would be good.
sorry I posted in a thread entirely about something else.
you would be better of setting up a wood gasifier and feeding it to charge system you can buy them about 1500-3500 and only hook it to your set up with a battery back, depending on your set up and the gasifier you get +generator if not built in kind. gasifiers run off wood chips and yard trash.... then start setting up solar so you have a back up for when not IF it fails.
I know how it works. Im an industrial maintenance tech by trade with an associates in electronics. I worked with triple phase 440 and 660. Also worked plc's. I hate ladder logic.

Anyways, just meant I have never worked withwindmills before.

As far as the car alternator, you can make one put out a.c.
funny you mention that, as an alternator actually makes AC voltage naturally.
in fact the name..., the alternator is called that because of it's alternating current
a generator is the same thing only it creates only DC current
an alternator is much more efficient at supplying amperage at higher voltages than a generator.
I know, it's all sorta useless facts.. but being a lil neurotic I felt compelled to respond..

in fact, after further thought, and considering the little that I know of you, you probably already knew that..
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funny you mention that, as an alternator actually makes AC voltage naturally.
in fact the name..., the alternator is called that because of it's alternating current
a generator is the same thing only it creates only DC current
an alternator is much more efficient at supplying amperage at higher voltages than a generator.
I know, it's all sorta useless facts.. but being a lil neurotic I felt compelled to respond..
Indeed you are correct.

I don't mind a bit. Glad you elaborated.

Remember cars with the old generators. Had to rev the motor up to charge.
funny you mention that, as an alternator actually makes AC voltage naturally.
in fact the name..., the alternator is called that because of it's alternating current
a generator is the same thing only it creates only DC current
an alternator is much more efficient at supplying amperage at higher voltages than a generator.
I know, it's all sorta useless facts.. but being a lil neurotic I felt compelled to respond..

in fact, after further thought, and considering the little that I know of you, you probably already knew that..
This is incorrect, an alternator is called that because the magnetic field alternates, a generator is called that because the windings move. Either machine can output A.C. or pulse DC depending upon whether a slip ring or commutator is used. A bridge rectifier could also be used, but seldom are.
This is incorrect, an alternator is called that because the magnetic field alternates, a generator is called that because the windings move. Either machine can output A.C. or pulse DC depending upon whether a slip ring or commutator is used. A bridge rectifier could also be used, but seldom are.
heh, welllll alright then.... it does appear to be splitting hairs isn't it?
when I am wrong I am typically eager to point it out and learn on my mistakes, but in this case I disagree.
furthermore there isn't an actual difference between the two, I mean it's the same thing, it is creating AC current. I mean we could go a step further and start talking about electrons and their relation to it as well.
if you look up the definition of "alternator" it repeatedly specifies that it creates AC voltage
besides the magnetic field alternating is what causes the AC current, so they are essentially the same, but in my field the definition is exactly what I said.
specifically in fact. Generators produce dc, and alternators produce AC.
in multiple books as well, and also in automotive engineering classes too
sure, you are correct in that that's how the magnetic field operates, but that is the very definition of alternating current
my panties won't get bunched too badly, but it's sorta a teensy bit irritating to quote me, and to categorically consider what I said to be "incorrect", when it's not only the same thing but the actual definition of it.

here's the definition of an alternator. From multiple sources.

(plural noun)
  1. a generator that produces an alternating current.
here is the thesaurus one

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Switch to new thesaurus
Noun 1.
alternator - an old term for an electric generator that produces alternating current (especially in automobiles)

annnnnd here is another dictionary definition.

(ˈɔl tərˌneɪ tər, ˈæl-)

a generator of alternating current.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

and in case anyone is curious, here is the official definition via "The Standard Electrical Dictionary"

The Standard Electrical Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:

  1. Alternator.

    A dynamo electric generator supplying an alternating current. (See Dynamo, Alternating Current.) Synonym--Alternating current generator or dynamo.
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A generator also produces A.C., that was my point. It's simply a matter of whether you're rotating the windings or the field, dude. It's not splitting hairs. BOTH produce AC.
kinetic energy is the way to go. But you have to go down the rabbit hole to find the engineers using and designing them. Most show they are a direct replacement for DC Generators and blow the efficiency of the DC gen out of the water thus most engineers stay away from it. Everyone I have read about and or watched has said they have been fired from the big company's they worked for for building and presenting the idea. It's actually a really simple Idea. Charge one side of a Mag coil with a cut off switch in between a reversed coil on the other side. Flip the switch and they run together creating a strong constant clean field of energy.
No Pertol needed,Quiet, and cheap to manufacture. Exactly why Scientist's and Engineers are being hushed about them. Give it a look if you interested you can find it if you look hard enough. So much Tech out there that is and has been quietly subdued in the name of Money and profits.
Sorry OP was just throwing it out there since someone posted about it.

I'm currently looking into utilizing my RDWC pump stream to create some charge like a mini hydro turbine. might as well save the pump running cost remove the air pump cost from the res since the turbine will waterfall and aerate and maybe gain a bit more energy for usage. Talking about pennies here but it all adds up eventually