We will see! I live in Maine and at 56 y/o I am living in Nirvana. Just what can/will they do? There are not enough jails/prisons to arrest huge majorities in these legalized states. Obviously, I've been watching these developments but it is not stopping new hydro shops, cloners or private home growers so again, just what are they going to do. I realize our Gov. would like nothing more than to red light recreational use but after threats of that, it's been crickets out of Augusta.
Every store seems to be doing upgrades and I see business's with way more foot traffic than I did previous to this law being passed.
BTW I don't see how 800,000 sqft of canopy is going to cover the actual demand. That number sounds high but if you figure a 10 x 10 space being capable of a 2lb turn around, that will only be 16,000 lb's per month. As you and I both know, at least 1 in 5 smoke in this state at minimal. That is 265,800 people appx (according to CBS News it's 13.56% but I believe it's much closer to my number). That would be .06 lbs/person/month or about an oz/month. This is going by the current Maine population according to Google and if my Math is correct of course

Let's imagine that with our summer boom of tourists, you know every place up to the 45 degree latitude doubles in population. So, the state can assess the situation and allow for more growers, that still doesn't tell me anything when it comes to how much a license is going to cost and when the hell they are going to start taking applications. This whole thing has got me in a frenzy. I need some information so I can know if I need to UPGRADE so that I can be ready for the application.
I am located in the woods near more urban areas so I want to take advantage of the new laws if I can. Go Rec Legal and turn a buck while I can.
I am hearing the farther north I go, that a LB can go for as little a 1k/lb. Down here I can fetch 2k+. Though this whole thing is really killing it for me. You have to expand to stay in business. Just so you can make the income you were before the Rec law. Medical has been a steady income, no flux in pricing. Though, now it's been dropping because all of the black market slobs are throwing deals at half the price so it's sending people back to the black market.
To make the same monthly income, you need to at minimal triple your output or switch to LED's I guess. I don't spend tons of cash into nutrients, so that I have under control. It's the electrical that is making things difficult. Fuck putting up a windmill lol That is way too much of an investment. As for outdoor greenhouses, that really isn't an option in Maine. You are then back to the huge heating cost even with a double or triple lined greenhouse.
Well, enough of my rant. I am hoping you have some Mainer input.
Funny you said Cloners... You talking about the Cannabis Seed Bank of Maine? They have a huge assortment but the clones are so small. I guess they have to be to make so many.
It seems to me the old Mainer, turn your head and mind your own damn business applies. Shit, in Portland I read they are "Gifting" edibles directly out of a store and charging for something else to make up for the "Grey" area of the law. Nobody is stopping them. In other states they stopped people doing that. I fucking love my state!!! They are so damn crazy. Though, time moves forward, Maine always sticks to it's old unwritten laws of "Mind ya own damn business fucka".