make a job out of this


Active Member
I'd love to be a actual farmer I am currently on disability for epilepsy and a few other mental issues. I don't work well with others haven't been able to keep a relationship more than my marriage in 8 years since I had a brain surgery. I feel like being a farmer where I am responsible for only my stock and can blame only my self really feels like my only choice. I would make money off herb but between me and my wife we smoke whole crops in about 1 month ><.also the law knows EVERYTHING I do we just have a nice thin line that they literally WATCH me walk. they realize I need it to be a stable person and they leave me be. but I'd like to be able to get out of my house for more reason than just food shopping.

so can anyone give me any tips, I've looked in to growing fields of tilapia(or any fish) and off setting that with a hydro farm. I make 900 a month on disability so I would have to go for the gold and get a business loan but this would also mean I lose my general income and would have to find a way to make profits within the first 5 months to be stable. I've researched laws in my area I'd need permits do to tilapia $250 being they are consider evasive. I've looked at the actual items I need and there is little actually needed just time to set up breeding and set up replenishing food supply's for the fish all of which is sellable shiners, worms, vegies, tilapia all have there own markets in my area. about 50k for land and another 50k in set up but then I have to maintain my self for __ years till I have all my fish, fish food, and plants in actual breeding cycles. and with aquaponics you can technically grow in the same place you raise fish. any idea's or am I just dreaming.
lol life just reminded me I'm not allowed to get ahead in this world after 3 months of working on my car motor my guy says he can't complete the job it's giving him issue after issue. life just had to remind me not to try to be anything. so anyone wanna steal that idea go ahead haha.
you need significantly more funding. or an investor. you wont get a loan with no money and no collateral and only 900/month income from disability. probably not what you want to hear, but you can do it, just need a better plan. businesses always cost more and take longer than you think. good luck
Sounds like a pipe dream to me. You would be better off to work to make your place more self sufficient, gardening, raising chickens, rabbits, etc. You may even be able to grow some plants to sell. Try to do several different things instead of putting all you eggs into one basket. Get a stock tank and a pump and try raising Tilapia. If you find that you like it and it works for you then gradually enlarge your operation, but don't try to go into debt to do it. You can scavenge most of the equipment that you need for all of this with very small investment.
I would but the county wont allow me to raise anything for resale at my house and even then a aquaponic license in my state requires a inspection. that's why I had to think larger but so far I'm 10 grand in to a 4k motor now that was my pipe dream, this is actually doable. the only reason I thought about a full business is my county and city laws against having any kind of business on my property. there for my only option is to give up or go big. and like I said in my state u need a licence for tilapia which requires inspection of grounds... not happening at my house.
I would try to figure out a way to relocate. I've been surviving on what I can make on my property for the last 9 years. I would sell everything there and find a more hospitable place.
Sounds like a pipe dream to me. You would be better off to work to make your place more self sufficient, gardening, raising chickens, rabbits, etc. You may even be able to grow some plants to sell. Try to do several different things instead of putting all you eggs into one basket. Get a stock tank and a pump and try raising Tilapia. If you find that you like it and it works for you then gradually enlarge your operation, but don't try to go into debt to do it. You can scavenge most of the equipment that you need for all of this with very small investment.

Holy shit. Someone else gets it too. What a great reply. :clap: Whoever you learned from did a great job. My dad taught me well.

Some people get it and some don't. (not directed at you drax)

Good luck at whatever you do @draxhemp