Why do my clones die after they root?


Active Member
I clone directly into soil by first soaking a cup of soil (well drained). Cut a 45 degree cutting, cut tips off, dip in gel and place into soil. Two weeks later there will be roots but the new growth at the top looks deformed. Here are a few pics of the clones and one that I transplanted into a one gallon smart pot.


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I clone directly into soil by first soaking a cup of soil (well drained). Cut a 45 degree cutting, cut tips off, dip in gel and place into soil. Two weeks later there will be roots but the new growth at the top looks deformed. Here are a few pics of the clones and one that I transplanted into a one gallon smart pot.
do you always use clear cups?
looks to me like a plant I over watered once. but it also looks like what happens when you use soap to get rid of mites(inside joke)
Yes I always use clear cups so I can see the roots and know when to transplant. And well I only soak the cup at the beginning and don't water for 2 weeks. Whenever I take the lids off the droop a little unless I spray them.
At least yours rooted. Mine were done in similar method. Just with coco blocks instead. Mine didn't even survive the week.
It looks like soil is too hot (with nutrients) and too wet. Have you got lots of drainage holes in those cups? I let my clones run pretty dry in solos, but they are rooted in rapid rooters before I put them there. I had one die on me recently and it looked about the same as your sickly one. I blamed it on not mixing my soil well enough and it got too much of something. Couldn't figure anything else out because the others were fine. Hope you solve your problem!
you're putting lids on em? They look choked to death, the soil may also be too hot, new clones are like new seedlings most of the time. If your area isnt like a desert a Dome or lid may not be necessary
Yes I tape lids on them but take them off when roots show to get them accilmated a bit. I run a lot of water through the soil before putting the clones in the cups to remove as most of the nutes as possible, but the soil does stay really most. Maybe that might be the problem?
do you have access to seed starter like jiffy mix? Try what you're doing but instead use seed starter with no lid and see how that goes
...to me its either the lack of humidity or the lights are to close...

also it will help if the fan leaves were cut more at the start...