compost placement


Active Member
Got about 100 plants in ground, I just got my hands on some free compost and was wondering if it's ok to just throw it over my already planted and flowering- watermelons, onions, peppers, and, beans. or should I save it for when I plant more later in year and till it in? only reason I want to use it now is my yard is this gray filler sand that won't hold water just forms puddles never gets more than 1 inch under surface unless I go crazy with water was thinking maybe a layer of compost on top might help retain water?
Got about 100 plants in ground, I just got my hands on some free compost and was wondering if it's ok to just throw it over my already planted and flowering- watermelons, onions, peppers, and, beans. or should I save it for when I plant more later in year and till it in? only reason I want to use it now is my yard is this gray filler sand that won't hold water just forms puddles never gets more than 1 inch under surface unless I go crazy with water was thinking maybe a layer of compost on top might help retain water?
Its called 'No Till'. Google it. Just spread the new material on top. Don't bury the plants bc they need to breathe. Would a been better to add it before you planted but in my humble opinion you'll be just fine.