it doesnt look like its shitty weed lol look on the bright side of things you can get some free smoke or some free money from that money tree of yours. ;)
your question about the purpling is simple. at one point it went below feezing or very close to it. there is nothing wrong with the bud i dont think. but when it drys it usually looks like one shitty ass nug. and a comment on your complaining about your plants getting stolen... do your homework...
fuck man, i went on the website earlier today and saw that. a few months ago they had changed up the age to only 21 now. Instead of people in canada were able to buy them over the internet if they were 19. it wasnt a few months ago actually i think it could have been like a year ago lol oh well...
that when marc emery gets over to the shitty US of A that they will make his jail time longer than the 4-5 years they are asking?... can they even do that?
i just hung dryed mine for 4 or 5 days now its in a cardboard box that i will leave for another 4 or 5 days. after that im going to put them into jars and follow through with taking off the lid 2-3 times a day.
hey man if you have that setup in your house i dont advise having outdoor plants. you can get into allot more trouble if someone were to see it or say something. just because my friend was busted before because of that kind of situation
enjoy, widow is one of my favourites back in the day. ahhhhh the good ol days. when i was younger i walked down the street smoked a pinner to myself and when i got back inside i was so blitzed i actually puked. my head was spinning and just felt down right sick, never been that stoned in my life...
dude he means make it from scratch. not just buying shitty pills and some good pills and pressing them together to make shitty pills. your better off buying alot of them at 1 dollar a peice and selling them for 5 ,7 or 10 dollars haha