dont kill any of them , hike to a secluded area and put 2 of the worst ones outside and see where that takes you .. never kill them thats just disrespect, only kill the males hahaha
any local crafting store should have some spring loaded snipps that or walmart for sure. and i recommend trimming when wet the leaves are easier to cut i find
wow man .. just wow. im speechless havnt seen something beautiful like that since the ones i have in a field .. wish i could grow like that at my house... psssh haha
its weird i love and hate it.. the highs are the best but not worth the withdrawls .. its better to stay away from it in general if you have an addictive personality
i think you should go if that lady friend asked you to if you wanna get some pussy... doubt those cops will be in uniform gettin drunk hahaha .but do llookout for cops showing up outa the blue in uniform comming to congrats her friend
goodluck man, best thing to do is to scourer the site for info and not to ask basic questions right off the bat because your answers can easily be found in like 5 min by searching again goodluck to ya man
ive never heard of a 60 mg of oxy before they only come in 10. 20. 40. 80 . 120 and one higher but ive never seen that before. i suggest taking half first then if its not enough to 'fuck you' up take the other half just be careful with that shit its highly addictive and its easy to get hooked...
maybe an oz not much man, your setup looks like ok. you can deff do better do some more homework on the site and get some more ideas, its got potential good luck to you. ooo and i read that one was male... that means soon all of those plants are going to turn male watch out if thats the case