there was once a coffee shop in london ontario where you were legally able to come smoke it but you couldnt buy it over the counter just a safe place to come smoke but that place was taken down like 8 or 9 years ago goodluck man
set a tent setup close to the plants and also set some traps up around it like rose bushes and other things to leave marks on people. also i think you should put fresh dirt around it do and rake it so you can get fresh footprints if you think some of your friends now about it.
you can buy small ones off ebay, its not to hard to find check it out an old girlfriends brother use to get a box of them sent to his house and you just fill up some ballons and suck in the air and get right fucked up
ive just been having the worst luck lately, first my plants get stolen outa my backyard then the farmer pulls my plants in his field. just a few hours ago some guys busted into my friends and put guns to our heads demanding money and weed, just the wrong place and the wrong time luckily they...
not a single person? what the fuck is wrong with you guys? its the jay for gods sake they are the best papers ive ever used and they are gunna ban them? fuuucckk
shitty man i cant even really sleep without getting real high first, its looking a little like you might have gotten jacked i hope all goes well for you and goodluck
Important due to a new FDA anti-tobacco publication Flavored Rolling Papers are NOT allowed to be used with tobacco in the USA. We have temporarily stopped selling Juicy Jays papers in the USA until a ruling can be issued. For More information please visit
do you ever use juicy jays blunt wraps, if not you should hurry up and try it cause i hear the fda or some shit is trying to shut down the company or make them change the name because of obamas big plans for kids. i guess the "cool" flavours attract kids to start smoking haha fuck his shit he...
so many times ive been high in class and getting called out on everything! while thats how it felt at the time haha math class was the fucking worst . good luck son