jeezy,, then game then 50 then lil wayne he sucks .. fifs new shit is actually pretty sick the song you know your right is fuckin gangsta but i think hes fake anyway.. jeezy is just so thug hes the best for sure
dont be worried just make sure its a good setup with no smell and leaking of light out through cracks. show some pictures of what its like and then we can get a better idea
i believe that would be america some how influencing this ... i delclare shinanigans on this article because where eles would the netherlands get any other money from? they will do this and the next year they will undo that real quick because they will lose out on about 20 billion dollars or...
fuck man give those mexicans some good seeds to grow and clone and mexican weed would be cheap as hell since they just legalized all drugs there fuck man i need to meet me some mexican drug cartels to get me some cheap fuckin weed hahaha