ummm idk if you know this but windows filter the light as it goes through. are those green house windows? at the least do you keep the window super clean?
i have an outdoor grow.
what is the ph if this stuff and how good does it hold moisture. cause im going away for a week and my plants can only last 3 days with out watering. but its in walmart brand soil. if i added about 4 inches of verm to the top of the soil will that help hold moisture and...
i got a plant about 2.5 feet tall and its what almost 10 days till august and thats not good were i am cause frost comes in mid september.............. so ya i know how it feels not showing sex. and as for your height problem. just start slowly leaning the bucket on its side. using rocks to prop...
thats a diffenecy of some sort i think iron (FE) what kind of neuts are you using? id make sure your ph is balanced then flush with that making sure that your soil ph is back to normal and read the labals on your neuts if they have iron in them then it was just a ph problem if they dont have...
well the only thing ive cloned was a tomatoe that stem broke and all i did was out it in water and 3 weeks later roots. and now its got 7 tomaotes on it. well ive never heard of using hunny. but did you cut slots in the stem and only put the hunny on the sides and not covering the bottom for...
40/20/40 is alot of neuts for a seedling. and the plant in your pic is just fine. yes it would possable get worse later but your because your reactions to a problem that basically hasnt even started yet you should be make sure your ph is 7 and maybe flush out as much neuts as...
you dont have enough light. and when using cfls. you dont read the equivalent wattage you read the real wattage so that you only have 34 watts? and make sure your not over watering that plant
i have a very simular problem with my plant i had a thread up a couple days ago. people were telling me that it was not getting enough light. the thread is called "plant not filling in"
ya dont do 24 hours of light. there is a good chance that it is just transplant shock. make sure you are not over or under watering and it should bounce back
well from those pics your soil looks really dry. but stick your fingure in the soil 2-3 inches. and if the soil is dry then water it for sure if not then you have a much bigger problem
another thing being that you have multiple plants in one pot. thats a generally a no no