basil is great to top......i topped my basil and got 5 times the amount of leafs? so ya if you want more leafs then yes top it and you top the same why you do pot just snip off the tip
so late year i had to plants and one was done 3 weeks before the other. from the one that finished first i gor a couple seeds. and germed them for this year. and same thing 2 plants and one is 4 weeks ahead of the other. i just think that this is a bit weird. i know about genetics and all but...
start feeding your flowering neuts that can sometimes help them start but otherwise if there out side then basically you gotta wait til the end of july
im growing tomatoes right now in them and yes they are doing that but there is a grow journal about a guy using it with pot and it didnt seem to do that.
yes i had the same trouble as you. and there is nothing you can do besides grow out side with bad seed. and dude dont me stupid and try and grow in college. that is the most inportant part of your life. so stick to bag seed .
top that thing and it will keep it lower and bush it out alot more for more bud and you can keep it in veg for another half of a month without any more height
just pull the plants roots and all rinse the roots off with water then hang them to dry maybe only have the fan on the plants for like 6 hours a day maybe 2 hours at a time if your timer allows that. and if you hang the whole plant to dry it will dry slower so you wont have to sprry about over...
the stretch as to do with lighting, and strain. if you keep your lights on for 24 you wont get stretch. but when you start to put the lights off there gonna stretch in the dark. you cant really say how much stretching expect about 4-6 inches per node
did you over water your plants? it looks like your plant was over watered too many times. and your roots being the color they are look like root rot. and if your roots get the water they need they dont need to expand much but thats only if you over watered i could be wrong tho.
yes thanks for the info. i had the top half in a bottle of water. the top bouncd back nicely. but then it tiped over cause i had it out side in the wind. so the plant wilted again. hopefully it will come back otherwise the bottom will have to make up for it lol