so the spot i would like to grow is by a creek. the water is around 7 ph wise it isnt swampy persay but it is muddy what kind of advice can you give me for growing there flooding wont be an issue. but what else could i take into accont. and i want them to be mostly self sufficent cause i wont be...
i agree all this new shit is just a commodity......people trying to make money by fucking up the strains.............this being said o you know any sights that still sell the oldies that i can buy and stock pill and peserve the strains or at least whats left
you dont have to cross strains to build up resistance?? just let the plant grow out side so it develops its own resistances over time and passes it along through its own seeds?
thats phopphurs diff i had the same thing flush your plants and make sure you add enough of all your neuts N P and K and make sure you ph is balanced but only do half str neuts
what is with all these retarded strain that people make up. how many strain are even out there what happened to the dam pure know pure bread dogs are more diserable then muts doesnt the same go for pot jesus who the fuck wants super silver brown desiel??? does anyone else feel...
ya dude i had 3 females. no males and i still got 20 seeds out of the 4 ounces i got form it and they were good seeds that im germin atm and ya sooo idk how or why this happenes but it does lol
looks fine to me the light green in the middle its normal of growth and the dark green on the outside still very normal. the colytdons dieing always normal. as long as you have it in soil with very little neuts already added and are keeping the ph at 7 with very little neuts added and or no...
ya the phos. deff was really weird tho cause there only 5 weeks old........ and im using a miricle grow mix that feeds plants for 3 months. which is why i also flushed with phed water and now everything is great