that looks like the tip is dieing. so what i would do is balance your ph (if your in soil the make it 6.8, and if your hyrdo make is 5.9) dont over compensate with ph up or down to do that either just fill a gallon of water and make that ph 6.8 or 5.9 then just pour it in and youll see some...
well its june and the days are getting longer so im not sure. give them more N...and less P,H to help it revet and put it inside for 24 hours of light?
seeing as how you dont know the ph thats your problem get some kind of ph device and get your ph around 6.8 and your plant will be fine and watch those neuts they are pretty powerful dont use to much
no that wont work because the water is all around it isnt flowing its just there. but as for that box idea that may accually work very well. cept theres not wood around lol just cat tails and other boggy plants. but i could take green plant pots and cut the bottom off then just fill with soil...
nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! flush with the ph that you want your soil to be... so if your growing in soil flush your soil with 6.8 water dont over ph the compensate.thats a bad idea....... flush with 6.8 water
so my grow area has way to much water. basically when i step my foot is in a half inch to an inch of water. the ph of that water being 7.8ish i would rather not grow in pots but i might have too does anyone have any tips i can use to make sure my plants dont get too much water from that. i could...
i dont think that is any sort of problem........maybe from water on the leafs creating hot spots but i really dont think you have any sorta of big problem. just make sure the ph is in check, and ya so id just keep an eye on it but not sorry unless it gets worse
my last 3 grows the stems turned purple i think thats just part of the plants growth and is normal cause 70 at night is not cold by any means. its nothing to worry about unless there loosing structure and str.
paper towel method all the way. i tried the cup of water tech. didnt work worth shit all the seeds in there died. but with the paper towel method ive gotton a 95% germ percent with good seeds.
it could be shock from the transplant just keep an eye on it and make sure its watered and the ph is in check but not over watered. and it should recover