so this problem started after i forgot to water my plants for a week they got super droopy. i watered them and then this started to happen. not sure what it is. i thought maybe a P diff. so i mixed up some very diluted neuts. and checked the ph to make sure it was about 7. and then gave it 2...
so i have to locations for my grow. one of which is more remote then the other. the one location is only about half of a football feild from my house and my neighbors house. but i grew in a simular spot with no problem. now i have a new spot. this new spot is by a river about half of a mile from...
well my neighbors are air heads...very stupid people but there also very nice people you know how that is well. i was wouldering if i planted my pot plants outside and cutting off all but like 2 on all the fan leafs that form so it doesnt really look like it ? would this work you think?
lol wow ty for bump tho, well i bring this up cause my dad was talking about how he use to smoke some golden colored bud back in the 80's lol yes the 80s but i was woundering what strain he is talking about
people always say to put ur out door plants in pots? i disagree. when you have the plants in pots they get jacks soo easily? when there in the ground there not going to be jackeD? and when there in pots your can get "rootbound" when there in the ground they have all the soil in the world? now on...
i may or may not live in the state right above you and i have done a few out door grows. its super easy dude. make sure they have 6 hours of DIRECT sun minumum. make sure you have a fence of sort to prevent deer and other rodents from gettin at them. when vivisting your plants piss around the...
if your growing in a area where it isnt a good idea to (if u get my drift) is it better to grow alot of small plants or a couple big ones assuming you get the same yeild from both. i figured that the fewer plants the better reguardless of size. and because i hear you can even get busted for pot...