rofl dude i know how you feel. theres dog hair all over my house form my dog. i vaccum every day and the hair never ends lol. i just smoke the hair.... lol
i live in the mid west. as you know it snows here in the winter season. and gets purty cold. with years of proper selection is it prossible to create a strain resistant to 30 degree winter/snow cllimate?
and another question i have some hash that looks really weird. there was mold on it last time i looks a week ago so i got all of that off ( this was because all the alchol everaporated and just wate was left from the rinse i did) so there was mold floating on the water so i then put it in front...
so all the alchol has evoraporated but the water that was left now has mold floating on it... if u want pics ill get them but so i have to trash the hash or can i just scoop/ scrap it off and keep it?
i read this one post about a 3rd type a pot. that had no thc in it and started with a R i looked for quit a while but couldnt find it can anyone help me out?