i went by my plants th other day and there were deer there a couple bits out of the fan leafs but nothing more cause i tackeled them and snapped there necks( not really but i scared them away)......anyways i bought some netting i put it around them.......but there are gaps on the bottom cause i...
put a 90 degree casing on it so its pointing down make sure the material is black tho..........ur opening will be facing down and it will bend to ur hole problem solved
im even a bit higher then u in latitidue and im growing my plants fine u dont need a pure indica plant but u dont want a pure stativa either....just make sure its more indica then stativa
and is it a bad thing that a 1.5 ft plant and a2.5ft plant ( my two plants ) havent even covered up the pots there in with roots? the pots only only about 1 gallon pots?????
same and is it bad to have a coleny of ants in the pot??? of one of the plants??....i figured its a good thing drangage an to get oxygen down there but idk?
iv got 2 plants both female they have been side by side sence birth and one if 2 weeks into flower but the other it still growing tall in veg???? why is this? and yes there out side?????