Merci beaucoup; you're running two AA nozzles now, correct?
And I looked back at the start of this thread, and it turned to strictly equipment talk by like post #5..............which brought me to your vertical setup - did you ever get that rocking and rolling, and if so do you have any more...
PF, anyone searching for aero info will find this thread, as we have all managed to find it..........if someone can't figure out the "search" button on a website, I don't like their chances of setting up a good system.
Atomizer, can you throw a mathematically inclined guy a bone in regards to...
Yeah, I don't need "noiseless" - my 150PSI pump makes quite a damn racket if I'm in the growroom (think "jackhammer"), but it's not audible outside of it (I can barely hear it from my kitchen, which I actually like because I can listen for if it's working instead of having to go in and check)...
Lol, I know - original plan was to run everything off of 12V (timer as well), but there was a month long wait for the timer on 12V and when I realized I could get a UPS as a mitigant against power outages, I was off the 12V bandwagon and back to 120V (you already knew that, was explaining to...
The light loss isn't as bad as you think; with a flat piece of glass it's 1-2%, and (guessing here) with a curved glass it's gonna be more like 5-8%.
I wouldn't go much further than 2' away from the bulb if you could help it; you know better than us what your plants want, but you're starting...
Nice bro; if you can, I'd add at least one more (preferably two more) rows to take full advantage of that light.
I run four stacked 600s surrounded by 90 plants, but obviously mine are a little bigger than yours.
Good question; the purists will say use a silk screen, but if I were you I'd do that on half and then use the perlite on half and see for yourself - sounds like a good experiment :)
Where did you find nozzles that produce 50m droplets at medium to low pressures?
A pic of your setup would definitely help, as well as plant sizing/spacing, etc.
As far as using it clone - sure, I'm sure you could (assuming you setup your misters correctly for good coverage), but why would...
Got four of these (have ~10 others of various shapes/sizes for different projects, including the 4 12V 3/8" ones I bought for this project and never used):
Hey bro, would you mind explaining your feed system a little more? Is there a sprayer at each plant site or is there one at the top that feeds them all?
Thinking of converting back to LP because these tubes are just too small for HP aero (IMO) - was an experiment and doesn't seem to be...
Those actually sound like a a great nozzle - super low flow (probably like 1/2GPH at 100PSI) and no flow under 90PSI? Plus being able to clean fairly easily?
So ignoring the hassle of wiring them all up (not a biggie), you'd go with a solenoid right in front of the mister as opposed to an ADV if given the choice?
Anyone here have ADVs and can speak from experience? Sounds like ADV>solenoid for my purposes; one solenoid per pod (already have four), and one ADV per mister (so like 16 or 20 ADVs).
How well do those ADV's work? For $12 a piece I could just throw a solenoid right before every nozzle.
Other than the pain in the ass of hooking up and wiring 20 something solenoids, what would the benefit of an ADV be in that situation?
Atomizer, tried searching for meters that would...
I was thinking of something like this, which won't even "operate" below 100PSI:
Of course I could be totally misinterpreting what that's saying, but I took that to mean that <100PSI nothing would come out of the nozzle.
Just go to, they've got tons to choose from (but they're pretty expensive) and you need to source them from Bete; I'll let you know what I come up with.
Atomizer, so I'm guessing that you've "looked" at this but never "tried" it, correct?
1) If you're misting the correct amount, the...
Why do you say that? Realizing that it takes a small amount of water to raise the humidity, that doesn't mean that the RH will go from 100% to 50% in the blink of an eye, but would be a gradual process from 70% to 69%, etc. - I don't understand your logic in saying it won't work - could you...