republicans tutored on how to talk to black people

Try to answer this for me...

There is published work testing IQ scores of lots of folks. African-Americans, as a race have a lower average IQ than any other race tested. (the bell curve is the name of the book)

How is what I said more racist than a statement made after watching Olympic track and field, the NFL or NBA and saying "wow, black people are better athletes than other races" or " wow, white men can't jump."

Is it racist to say one group is better academically, but not racist to say another group is better athletically?

i may just be a "hyper sensitive white guilt libtard troll", but i believe your racism is deluding you from understanding the difference between having different test scores and having different intelligence.

for example, you may have a good test score on a WAIS-V intelligence quotient test, but the real life story is that you got hooked on heroin, dropped out of college, stole from your parents, and are now working at subway. is that all part of your superior innate intelligence or what?

no need to answer, you can just enjoy the semen that is dripping from my penis if you so wish.
i may just be a "hyper sensitive white guilt libtard troll", but i believe your racism is deluding you from understanding the difference between having different test scores and having different intelligence.

for example, you may have a good test score on a WAIS-V intelligence quotient test, but the real life story is that you got hooked on heroin, dropped out of college, stole from your parents, and are now working at subway. is that all part of your superior innate intelligence or what?

no need to answer, you can just enjoy the semen that is dripping from my penis if you so wish.

You think criminality, low motivation, and insecurity aren't fairly represented which are factors why black IQ scores are lower? If I were black I'd tell your megalomaniac white superiority complex to go fuck yourself. Good thing us white folk stick together. You still coming to this week's meeting?
n/m... was in a joking mood this morning but don't want it to get turned into something more than just being in a joking mood later.
i may just be a "hyper sensitive white guilt libtard troll", but i believe your racism is deluding you from understanding the difference between having different test scores and having different intelligence.

for example, you may have a good test score on a WAIS-V intelligence quotient test, but the real life story is that you got hooked on heroin, dropped out of college, stole from your parents, and are now working at subway. is that all part of your superior innate intelligence or what?

no need to answer, you can just enjoy the semen that is dripping from my penis if you so wish.
I didn't drop out of college, I have a B.S. in a dual major.

I did do all those other things you mention, it was dumb, but plenty of smart people become addicted. The first rehab I went to was one for professionals. The letters after names in this rehab were md, pharm d, JD, ph d, and folks who had been in professional schools to earn those letters were there too.

You know good and well I have moved on from subway, yet still keep bringing it up as if that is still where I work, almost like you think it is demeaning to work at such a place.

The guy who owned the subway, who also knew I only got that job so I could establish a work history to get a better job, carped the diem and invited me to help him do something else. Suppose he recognized a little intelligence within me somewhere?

Anyway, 3 months on a shit job got this guy a pretty good job, that has the potential to really do well.

All your ad hominem aside, you still have not presented an argument to counter my arguments. I guess if we had an arbiter I would be declared winer by default.

If all you can do is declare that I am wrong, call me names, and not present any argument, even a non compelling one, then you're full of shit.

Please attempt to answer my question about why saying some group is a better academic is more racist than saying some group is a better athlete.
You know good and well I have moved on from subway

yeah, like a month ago.

the rest of us haven't worked for places like that for about two decades now, kynes aside.

did you move on to bigger and better things at 'big town hero'? $0.70 per hour raise? now becky is in charge of condiments instead of you?

you special little guy.
yeah, like a month ago.

the rest of us haven't worked for places like that for about two decades now, kynes aside.

did you move on to bigger and better things at 'big town hero'? $0.70 per hour raise? now becky is in charge of condiments instead of you?

you special little guy.

How does what one earns or makes from working, or who he works or what he does for them dictate his intelligence level? Another stupid comment buck, you make a lot of those it seems.
yeah, like a month ago.

the rest of us haven't worked for places like that for about two decades now, kynes aside.

did you move on to bigger and better things at 'big town hero'? $0.70 per hour raise? now becky is in charge of condiments instead of you?

you special little guy.

I'm no longer involved in any way shape or form with the sandwich industry.

I like how you like to get in threads about minimum wage and act like the folks who work at such establishments are of supreme value and are being screwed, yet you attempt to demean me and Becky for working at a subway.

I think the real story here is that you don't give two shits about the people working at such jobs. You simply hate people who are a success in this world, since it seems that you have not been able to achieve any of that in your own life.

I don't know too much about you, but what I do know is that you are a college flunk/drop out who, as far as I know has no job and hasn't had one for some time. You survive because you have hitched your life to a chubby Jewish girl who has some level of personal success and you grow weed. I learned this summer that growing isn't all that easy, and you grow some good stuff, but succeeding as a grower isn't really that big of an accomplishment. Considering you have not had to provide for yourself the land and places necessary with which to grow. Your old lady and her folks provide you with the property that you do this on. So without them you wouldn't even be able to grow. Unless your parents have a closet in their basement.

You are an envious little punk who resents anyone in this world that is capable of doing something your not, being self sufficient.

I had a $60k per year job before I started law school, then I fucked the duck and developed an addiction to opioids after surgery. It went down hill from there. What's your excuse for being a failure?
Note though, I didn't say.... So build death camps like the nazi's did for the blacks... Or... Ship them all back to Africa. (I find that ironic because even in 1865 when that was considerred few, if any, of the newly freed slaves even had parents that we born in Africa)... Or any other means of population reduction or anything that would infringe on the liberties of blacks.

What I said in that post was that if many blacks had their wish (that their people had never had to endure slavery) then they would have never been born, and the united states would only have a very minimal, instead of a significant minority population of black people.

When a group of people who comprise less than 15% of a country's population at large, yet they accout for over half of that country's prison population, and are disproportionally represented in the rolls of those who receive government assistance, then it should be a statement that is beyond contest that the country in question would be better off if that population had never been brought into said country.

But my view is this, they are here. And as fellow human beings, their racial strengths and weaknesses ought not inhibit the equal flow of freedom and justice to them.

To the bolded: an equally credible hypothesis is this. The minority group may be in no inherent way predisposed to fail - but the target of persistent discrimination, in which case comparable results obtain (unfairly).
To the bolded: an equally credible hypothesis is this. The minority group may be in no inherent way predisposed to fail - but the target of persistent discrimination, in which case comparable results obtain (unfairly).

Finally, an intelligent response!

Very good point, sir. And that may well be the case, though personally I do not accept that accounts for all the disparity, perhaps some, but not all.

But let us suppose that was 100% the case, what you are saying speaks to the cause of the problem, which has no impact on the problem.

The problem exists, its cause is irrelevant. There is still a population that is a drain on the country. The country is better off without the problem, wouldn't you agree?

I do not support a 'final solution' to the problem. Pun intended, as I have said, no genocide should be contemplated, nor should a forced removal.

But regardless of the cause of the problem (white man keeping the black man down, or the inability of a larger portion of blacks who are capable of functioning in a modern society than those of other races that cannot function in said society) the country is better off if no problem existed.

Its a moot point, at any rate. My solution is just as equally impossible to implement as yours is. I cannot change the past to have it so slavery never existed, and you cannot keep the white man from keeping the black man down.

Although, for some reason the Chinese immigrants and the Indian immigrants seem to have a lot more success rising up in spite of the white man...
Finally, an intelligent response!

Very good point, sir. And that may well be the case, though personally I do not accept that accounts for all the disparity, perhaps some, but not all.

But let us suppose that was 100% the case, what you are saying speaks to the cause of the problem, which has no impact on the problem.

The problem exists, its cause is irrelevant. There is still a population that is a drain on the country. The country is better off without the problem, wouldn't you agree?

I do not support a 'final solution' to the problem. Pun intended, as I have said, no genocide should be contemplated, nor should a forced removal.

But regardless of the cause of the problem (white man keeping the black man down, or the inability of a larger portion of blacks who are capable of functioning in a modern society than those of other races that cannot function in said society) the country is better off if no problem existed.

Its a moot point, at any rate. My solution is just as equally impossible to implement as yours is. I cannot change the past to have it so slavery never existed, and you cannot keep the white man from keeping the black man down.

Although, for some reason the Chinese immigrants and the Indian immigrants seem to have a lot more success rising up in spite of the white man...

I know many successful black people, they walk their dogs they drive nice cars, they don't murder or rape or steal, if you go into a township here in South Africa, a rural township not urban, you will meet black people that will pretty welcoming to you if you white, the problem is the extremist again, a black man is very loyal, they stick to their guns no matter how bad it gets, it's a failing they have and they choose the wrong leaders because of it. These leaders are not one bit interested in what the people want, they sow dissent between races that doesn't need to be there. I believe all races are different, we have strengths we have weakness. Because you don't want to live with somebody doesn't mean you hate them, or you racist, it just means you can't create rapport or understand them. Blacks do things differently from whites, Indians do things differently from blacks and so on and so forth. I don't believe for one second that most white people want to suppress the blacks that's just not true.

I have no experience with a American black man, but from what I seen they are similar, my perspective comes from living in Africa my whole life.
I'm no longer involved in any way shape or form with the sandwich industry.

you're really moving up in this world then.

you have not had to provide for yourself the land and places necessary with which to grow. Your old lady and her folks provide you with the property that you do this on. So without them you wouldn't even be able to grow.

the rent and bills for this property are paid in full by me through june next year, has been that way since october. i also pay for half on a property in california that i barely even get to stay at.

you just demonstrated very well why the opinion of a racist subway employee who steals from his parents is quite worthless.

i just made $1000 today too. i put it in the money pile. not even sure how much is in the pile right now. if i had a son like you, i would hide the money pile very well.
I believe all races are different, we have strengths we have weakness. Because you don't want to live with somebody doesn't mean you hate them, or you racist, it just means you can't create rapport or understand them.

in your case it sure does.

you said the other day you are racist and believe yourself to be superior to blacks.

nevermind that you couldn't even correctly spell all the words in the sentence where you declared your superiority. that little bit of irony is beside the point.

i guess the point is that you are a worthless (hi, cannabineer!) and no one really gives two shits what your shitty opinion is.
in your case it sure does.

you said the other day you are racist and believe yourself to be superior to blacks.

nevermind that you couldn't even correctly spell all the words in the sentence where you declared your superiority. that little bit of irony is beside the point.

i guess the point is that you are a worthless (hi, cannabineer!) and no one really gives two shits what your shitty opinion is.

Oh bucky my boy, you showing your lack of intelligence again man.
you're really moving up in this world then.

the rent and bills for this property are paid in full by me through june next year, has been that way since october. i also pay for half on a property in california that i barely even get to stay at.

you just demonstrated very well why the opinion of a racist subway employee who steals from his parents is quite worthless.

i just made $1000 today too. i put it in the money pile. not even sure how much is in the pile right now. if i had a son like you, i would hide the money pile very well.

As I said, my information about your personal life is rather limited. But you are gloating about having the bills paid, by selling the fruits of your labor. Congrats, I don't begrudge anyone for that. But the property used for your bounty flows from the generosity of your wife's family, or so I've heard.

You still have said nothing with regard to your employment. As I understand it you have no job. While i do consider growing weed a productive activity, it is not a job considering the plant restrictions places the quantity you grow in the hobby category.

When you have to be somewhere everyday, on time, and conduct yourself in a manner conducive with maintaining employment, and well enough to earn the respect of your superiors then you may call yourself a man. Until then your still a mooch who is leaching off the assets of others.