Government Waste Could Pay For Healthcare

Choosing just five is a tough one but I'll play along.

1. Get rid of the Department of Commerce.

2. Do away with the Department of education.

3. Dismantle the Department of Homeland Security, the FB!, the CIA, NSA and all other intelligence gathering agencies and combine then into one.

4. Cut HHS by 75% and empower the individual states.

5. Dismantle the DOD, cut funding by 50% and go back the the War Department.

5.5 Do away with the DEA entirely.

Fine list.
Choosing just five is a tough one but I'll play along.

1. Get rid of the Department of Commerce.

2. Do away with the Department of education.

3. Dismantle the Department of Homeland Security, the FB!, the CIA, NSA and all other intelligence gathering agencies and combine then into one.

4. Cut HHS by 75% and empower the individual states.

5. Dismantle the DOD, cut funding by 50% and go back the the War Department.

5.5 Do away with the DEA entirely.

Im with you on 3, 5 and 5.5.
Well, I think you are just a bit out of post order.

The VI, said he wanted to keep the ones that are the Mind Fuckers. Typical, right?

I say: Keep HHS? NO. IRS? NO.

EPA? NO. NSA voice storage? NO.

National Education is an oxymoron. Toss that out. Make rules that empower the States.

VA? Replaced.

Govt oversight is suppose to happen, not govt mind fuck.

The govt social tinkering of the 20-21st Century? KNOCK IT OFF! I don't see any basis in the Constitution for this Tax Code, and the credits, and favors.

Pick and Choose to Mod society on Theory is not in there.

Teachers Union. Disbanded, All unionizing in govt, Verboten. It is our money and the govt is the opposite of the means of production.

Govt is the means of waste.

STOP ALL LIES....or else the Pie. That's my new PAC.
I believe Adoff Hitler was the first to come out with free medicare for Jews and Gypsies and such. I suspect the same strategies were involved when some 3000 people obtained free passage to America on the Titanic. Hitler also was the first with gun control. I relied on doctors at one time and if I wouldn't have studied and taken matters into my own hands i'd be dead. I've even learned to fill a broken tooth.

In case anyone missed just how absolutely retarded this post is. I've seen some pretty hilarious Hitler is Obama comparison but this takes the cake. Gun control and healthcare to the Jews?
Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people. For example, if you have a strong dislike for someone, you might instead believe that he or she does not like you. Projection works by allowing the expression of the desire or impulse, but in a way that the ego cannot recognize, therefore reducing anxiety.
Best "non-professional" description of projection I have read/heard. I just may have to borrow this. ;)

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Small government is a folly my ass, if you were a little more informed and are so afraid of big business, you'd understand that big business gets big because of government coercion, Cmon canndo, you're smarter that that.

Have a nice night, don't have too many drinks and do something foolish, on the other hand, if you do you can always sue the big business liquor manufacturer for it.

Business gets big because of government coercion? Kindly explain what government coercion created U.S. steel and Standard Oil. I'd love to see what sort of machinations you are able to come up with to explain the huge trusts of the guilded age.
Here is the very heart of the matter. The rabid left is assured that government is the answer to each and every problem, social, domestic or foreign. The rabid left is wrong.

I was never part of the left you describe. Only idiots think gov't should own everything. I'm probably to your left and all I have ever said is that workers should own and control production.
I was never part of the left you describe. Only idiots think gov't should own everything. I'm probably to your left and all I have ever said is that workers should own and control production.

Yup, that would put you to my left, depending of course on how the workers aquired ownership and control of production. Note however that I said the RABID left and I also said that they believe that government is the answer to every problem, that does not necessarily mean government ownership but regulation, taxation, welfare and the like.
Yup, that would put you to my left, depending of course on how the workers aquired ownership and control of production. Note however that I said the RABID left and I also said that they believe that government is the answer to every problem, that does not necessarily mean government ownership but regulation, taxation, welfare and the like.

I'm the most rabid anarchist around and I don't believe that. The state should be smashed right along with capitalism.
I'm the most rabid anarchist around and I don't believe that. The state should be smashed right along with capitalism.

I dunno. I happen to like capitalism, it is so much more in parallel with nature itself that it can't be all bad. We see the processes of evolution, of niche filling, of symbiosis, of the entire environment played out in capitalism. The right is not wrong when they point to government and say that the problem with capitalism is government itself. We see that in evidence all the time with money and lobbyists all but inhereting congress and the whitehouse. But I believe that can be fixed far more easily than corporatism in it's unadulterated form. What other power can limit the power of multinational corporations, simply doing what their share holders mandate - making money by what ever means possible at any expense, but government and what government has any chance at all but one that, even if it is currently remote from the people it is supposed to serve, can still be swayed by those people.

I like capitalism because abusive as it can be, it still works pretty well.

Sorry, I usually don't like this sort of thing, but I find this to be damn funny.

LMAO that was funny as shit.

"maam, I'm activating the passenger air-bag now".
I dunno. I happen to like capitalism, it is so much more in parallel with nature itself that it can't be all bad. We see the processes of evolution, of niche filling, of symbiosis, of the entire environment played out in capitalism.

Survival of the fittest is an inapt description of natural selection. The phrase was not coined by Darwin, but by right wing economist Herbert Spencer. Mutual aid is essential to natural selection. It is not inherited traits which give one an edge over others. Education is what gives one an edge. It is the vigilance of parents that insures that a person stumbles into adulthood to breed.