zimmerman news

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racist pressure was nowhere in the affidavit.

I've stayed out of the racial debate aspect of this trial so far, but I have to comment. In a case where racist pressure was obvious to everyone (including you) AND the DA openly admitted to it, do you think it would be in the affidavit. Of course not, so your point rings hollow, despite the numerous times you've stated it.
Wow Buck, such vitriol remarks...your name calling is getting better though...but you're still far behind my wife and son...they can call me more terrible names than you've ever shown the propensity for...
That chump went on ignore before i ever posted, i read enough of that rhetorical style of debating i figured my time was much to valuable than to let him rent any space in my head, highly recommended .
racist pressure was nowhere in the affidavit.

Except for a charge of "profiled", the affidavit of probable cause was empty. Herschowitz, the luminary liberal said, after reading the affidavit, "a good judge will throw this out". Legally, he was correct, but politically there was only one reality.

As Alabama said above, this case has only driven a wedge between the races. Maybe that was DOJ's plan all along?
I've stayed out of the racial debate aspect of this trial so far, but I have to comment. In a case where racist pressure was obvious to everyone (including you) AND the DA openly admitted to it, do you think it would be in the affidavit. Of course not, so your point rings hollow, despite the numerous times you've stated it.

the fact is that there is plenty to bring zimm to trial on with no mention of race whatsoever, based solely on zimm's retarded actions that night and his evolving tales over the next days and weeks.

so to keep beating the race drum is just to satisfy your own race boner (not you personally, but the others who have been doing that).
i don't know why you're seeing vitriol, it was a pretty mundane description of someone who is too embarrassed of himself to even let us know who he was before.

i guess you are so ashamed of yourself that you need a fresh start. not exactly a glowing endorsement for yourself there.

My wife and son might agree with you, Buck...:)
Kel-Tec omitted safeties as a cost reduction. They take a lot of short cuts and use inferior materials in manufacture. I knew people that work there and they don't recommend them. Nuff said.

Some good, big-money DA autoloaders, such as the Sig-Sauer P226 i once had, don't have external safeties either. cn
Except for a charge of "profiled", the affidavit of probable cause was empty. Herschowitz, the luminary liberal said, after reading the affidavit, "a good judge will throw this out". Legally, he was correct, but politically there was only one reality.

As Alabama said above, this case has only driven a wedge between the races. Maybe that was DOJ's plan all along?

zimm profiled martin, sorry. he even described how he profiled martin to the police. his own words on the call to dispatch gave away more clues as to exactly how he was profiling that child.

you've said a good judge will throw this out, you've also said serino the interrogator, whose job it is to ask questions, should be fired for asking questions.

so clearly, the judgment of some people is retarded and not worth listening to.
Heck, read any left leaning journalist on this case and it is filled with racial innuendo.

Here is literally the first one I came across by scrolling down Yahoo's main page. This is cooing over the fabulous judge Nelson who might as well have been sitting at the prosecutor's table:

"Nelson's refusal to take any crap has been a welcome relief from the otherwise serious trial and its circumstances – a young black man is dead, killed in "self-defense" despite being unarmed, and Zimmerman is accused of targeting him because of the color of his skin rather than any real threat he posed. With the nearly non-stop trial coverage on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and HLN, there's been plenty of opportunity to see her in action."

My wife and son might agree with you, Buck...:)

Cause you see, Buck...I'm NOT a racist...

I dream of the day when we all have the same color skin, and our genetics are indistinguishable...hope I spelled that right...being both drunk and high...but I digress...

You think I'm a racist...but I'm not...I look forward to the day (it won't be in my lifetime, I understand) when there is no black and white...just tan brown...
Heck, read any left leaning journalist on this case and it is filled with racial innuendo.

Here is literally the first one I came across by scrolling down Yahoo's main page. This is cooing over the fabulous judge Nelson who might as well have been sitting at the prosecutor's table:

"Nelson's refusal to take any crap has been a welcome relief from the otherwise serious trial and its circumstances – a young black man is dead, killed in "self-defense" despite being unarmed, and Zimmerman is accused of targeting him because of the color of his skin rather than any real threat he posed. With the nearly non-stop trial coverage on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and HLN, there's been plenty of opportunity to see her in action."


we're on rollitup, not tv.yahoo.com.

one person was responsible for introducing race to this thread, it was you.

one person, among many, led the racial charge over and over and over again, ignoring the actual interesting part of this case, what happened in the struggle. that was you.

maybe spam some more scantily clad women since you have nothing worthwhile to add anymore.
Some good, big-money DA autoloaders, such as the Sig-Sauer P226 i once had, don't have external safeties either. cn

My favorite is the Glock 22. Not exactly a double action but no external safety. It makes the hoplophobes shit their pants, which is one of its most endearing features! :-)
Cause you see, Buck...I'm NOT a racist...

I dream of the day when we all have the same color skin, and our genetics are indistinguishable...hope I spelled that right...being both drunk and high...but I digress...

You think I'm a racist...but I'm not...I look forward to the day (it won't be in my lifetime, I understand) when there is no black and white...just tan brown...

considering what vile things you have said about gays, the xenophobic attitudes you have towards muslims, and the way you try to portray obama as a secret foreign muslim, i find that extremely hard to believe.

are you ever gonna tell us who your original account was, or are you too ashamed of yourself?
My favorite is the Glock 22. Not exactly a double action but no external safety. It makes the hoplophobes shit their pants, which is one of its most endearing features! :-)

ah, i see.

you get no respect as is, so you need a piece of metal to do it for you. :lol:

too funny. not unexpected from someone like you.
we're on rollitup, not tv.yahoo.com.

one person was responsible for introducing race to this thread, it was you.

one person, among many, led the racial charge over and over and over again, ignoring the actual interesting part of this case, what happened in the struggle. that was you.

maybe spam some more scantily clad women since you have nothing worthwhile to add anymore.

What could possibly be MORE worthwhile than scantily clad women at this point?

So, here is another for the heterosexuals:

ah, i see.

you get no respect as is, so you need a piece of metal to do it for you. :lol:

too funny. not unexpected from someone like you.

I am disappointed. You gun grabbers usually say something along the lines of, "you have a tiny dick and you compensating with your big scary gun". :-)
considering what vile things you have said about gays, the xenophobic attitudes you have towards muslims, and the way you try to portray obama as a secret foreign muslim, i find that extremely hard to believe.

are you ever gonna tell us who your original account was, or are you too ashamed of yourself?

I truly yearn for the day when we all look alike, sound alike, and there is no reason to hate because of appearances...

That time is hundreds of years in the future, I know...

Hell, if we could all just get over race differences...
Yeah Bucky, I DO have a problem with gays in PUBLIC life, being championed as heroes...but I'm fine with what they do in the privacy of their own homes and beds...that's none of my business, and I have no problem with them having the same insurance benefits as heterosexuals...

And I DO have a problem with radical Muslims in America...and after 9/11...I'm sure I'm not alone...

And I do think Obama is polarizing...I do...

And I don't apologize for any of that...
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