• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The US Election of 2012 defies logic

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Dr Kynes,

An authority or regulatory body need not be government. Such things can be free market in nature. Government leads to inefficiency and apathy.

A good example is lifeguards. There is this private company and government endorsed Red Cross were examined. The private company does random audits of all lifeguards, but mostly their own. The longer a Red Cross lifeguard had been certified, the lazier they became and would not pass even a Red Cross audit. While the private company had higher audit scores always well above passing, with well fewer failing. The reason is these privately certified lifeguards had a higher level of confidence and the certification company would bear some of the responsibility if their lifeguard was neglegent and would alter their certification methods unlike the Red Cross.

Private regulatory entities can also be replaced by a competitor who would like that role. It would be like adopting another country's DMV, say France. Have you ever been to a California DMV? I would take the French version if it meant shorter lines, not arrogant employees, and was ran like a real business. Ever notice how the "employees" have an entitlement attitude?

I see replacing those services with private ones as essential. What choice do you have if you don't like our current DMV? Our current DMV is counter-intuitive to a free market. Even threat of it's replacement would've fixed it, but now the only solution is replacement. But now you can't do that as easily with government or at all.

The silly arguement against what I suggest is corruption and syndicates. But what is going on now? What we have is fucking rosey, and not corrupt bullshit? Even though we have dispensaries, a war machine comes and overturns with force what the free market wants. A vice isn't a criminal act, but you can commit them on or because of one. Just like with non-vices, a crazy spouse, for example, become delusional or jealous and harm or kill their partner. Getting rid of vices and treating them like criminal offenses solves nothing and makes the situation worse. Government and religion never understand this no matter the evidence.
your entire thesis is predicated on the assumption that the immediate and pervasive threat of violence and robbery presented by anarchy would not prevent such "free market actors" from even forming. there can be no free market until the merchant,, farmer, sheepherder and blacksmith all feel confident in exposing themselves to the hazards of travel to that market. the fundamental lack of such security precludes any market actions at all in places like Somalia, or the shining path occupied regions of peru and argentina. when every village or freehold must be an armed camp to defend itself from the raiders who come to steal, then there is no market at all. only small collectives struggling to survive on the edge starvation surrounded by robbers brigands and theives just itching to get in and pillage.

how many lifeguards are securing the safety of bathers swimmers and holiday makers on the beaches of somalia or uganda's lake victoria?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Dr. Kynes, that same arguement is used with atheism when theists use the term godless. You're defining the term anarchy with chaos. There's a term chaos for a reason. Anarchy only means no government. It doesn't mean some other authority or regulating bodies don't exist.

If you want to know more I can bump my thread on socislist capitalism technocracy which details a stateless, individualist and free market system using gift economy. Our technology, especially expansive databases can make this possible. Think of it as Skynet, if you will, without the killer Terminators.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Dr. Kynes, that same arguement is used with atheism when theists use the term godless. You're defining the term anarchy with chaos. There's a term chaos for a reason. Anarchy only means no government. It doesn't mean some other authority or regulating bodies don't exist.

If you want to know more I can bump my thread on socislist capitalism technocracy which details a stateless, individualist and free market system using gift economy. Our technology, especially expansive databases can make this possible. Think of it as Skynet, if you will, without the killer Terminators.
anarchy is literally No Rule. no law, no controlls no regulations, it is anarchy, that is distinct from chaos, which is the sole domain of certain lords of darkness like Khorne Nurgle Tzneetch and the Great Horned Rat. the madness of the warp aside, anarchy is not a matter of degrees, there is anarchy, or there is not anarchy. there is no middle ground.

again anarchy is literally without question, indubitably, for sure, dead certain, absolutely, sho nuff, take that to the bank, totally ceral NO RULE. or in al gore's terms, "No Controlling Legal Authority" so he, and we, as well as me and thee can do as we will without concern for any repercussions.

No Rule. it really is that simple.

also, WAAAAGH!!! Lat Dumhed! Meez crsh you's WAAAGH! wit meez WAAAGH! wich am bedder Den Lats WAAAGH! Meez WAAAGH!! ib Much Bubhosh!! Latz WAAAGH! ib puny agh week!

Thank you for your correspondence.
yours truly,


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
We're having a problem with semantics.


Anarchy: absence of government and absolute freedom of the
individual, regarded as a political ideal.

What I'm suggesting is that. Where government type systems are needed, it's replaced by gift economy and private mandatory services. Like how you MUST get car insurance, but car insurance is private. I looked on a gas pump, the actual entity measuring that a gallon is actually dispensed is a private company.

Technically you could call what I want socialist capitalism libertarianism. But I go one step further, cut out the government middle man. Hence anarchy.

I'm not talking about this anarchy: oxford:

a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of

he must ensure public order in a country threatened with

I didn't say no recognition of order and authority. Just get rid of the god like government.

The problem is, this "government" is just rules and regulations on a piece of paper. Some illiterate dipshit in a government office reads this with his 5th grade education and wants you to clap as he does his ciphering and gazintas, like 3 gazinta 6, 2 times. Why do we need to put up with that shit?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
We're having a problem with semantics.


Anarchy: absence of government and absolute freedom of the
individual, regarded as a political ideal.

What I'm suggesting is that. Where government type systems are needed, it's replaced by gift economy and private mandatory services. Like how you MUST get car insurance, but car insurance is private. I looked on a gas pump, the actual entity measuring that a gallon is actually dispensed is a private company.

Technically you could call what I want socialist capitalism libertarianism. But I go one step further, cut out the government middle man. Hence anarchy.

I'm not talking about this anarchy: oxford:

a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of

he must ensure public order in a country threatened with

I didn't say no recognition of order and authority. Just get rid of the god like government.

The problem is, this "government" is just rules and regulations on a piece of paper. Some illiterate dipshit in a government office reads this with his 5th grade education and wants you to clap as he does his ciphering and gazintas, like 3 gazinta 6, 2 times. Why do we need to put up with that shit?
in california a state agency The Bureau of Weights and Measures ensures that weights and measures are accurate for all transactions. the Bureau of Automotive Repair ensures that mechanics dont rook the noobs, and several other agencies you never heard of all quietly do their jobs without mission creep, overreach or intrusion into anyone's life as long as a pound weighs a pound, and when you get paid to replace a trans-axle you actually replace the trans-axle. these agencies do their duty with quiet dignity and resolve to serve. these are the functions that government SHOULD do but too often dont do well.

in california we have many problems, but the state employees are NOT one. the management of many agencies,, and their lackeys and sycophants do more damage than the corrupt and ineffective legislature and all but our most bumbling and incompetant governors. only the diligent work of these unsung forgotten public servants keeps my state from spiraling into entropy.

in your fantastical anarcho-syndicalist-technocratic-oligarchical-socialistic-wafflemaker-turnipgreens-lawnmower-lesbian-mailbox governmental theory of no government and "gift economy" (which in itself is just an attempt to dodge income and sales taxes for barter transactions) everything would be up for interpretation by whoever felt like fucking you over today. government and regulations exist ideally to protect the innocent from the predations of the villain, not to oppress the citizenry. under your theory the villains would rule all by simply assembling a sufficiently strong band of men with arms and seizing what they desire before proclaiming themselves king, emperor, overdog, or grand high poobah.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
How do you get around a database with rules and regulations? Are self-checkouts getting robbed blind and doing whatever they want?

I'm suggesting a freesource type of "government." Why is Linux and BSD so much more secure than Windoze? With the source being available to all, it should be a clusterfuck of security holes and reliability issues.

I'm suggesting a system where transactions happen using your transaction card. You tell it what you're doing. A fraction of your tranaction goes to the company processing it, if you travel ( to roads), fire department frr when selling fireworks, etc. The fee percentages, regulations, etc would be available to all. If you can figure out entries to the database that actually work, like you see a certain fee is too much or little, you get a royalty percentage. All this is direct with private entities and individuals who can compete as groups or undividuals to compete.

Wtf does Obama know about how online distribution systems really work? Nothing! Then why does his pathetic Indonesian ass get to do things like SOPA? What does he know about health care? Is he a fucking doctor? If you have no clue how something workd, why do you get to make policy about it? I'd like to be a robotics engineer, but I don't have enough programming and electronic skills. So if I can't make Terminator robots, why do politicians get to fuck me, when they think some sky mexican is the one putting food on our plates? I say they need to god damn piss off and only those qualified can participate.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
How do you get around a database with rules and regulations? Are self-checkouts getting robbed blind and doing whatever they want?

I'm suggesting a freesource type of "government." Why is Linux and BSD so much more secure than Windoze? With the source being available to all, it should be a clusterfuck of security holes and reliability issues.

I'm suggesting a system where transactions happen using your transaction card. You tell it what you're doing. A fraction of your tranaction goes to the company processing it, if you travel ( to roads), fire department frr when selling fireworks, etc. The fee percentages, regulations, etc would be available to all. If you can figure out entries to the database that actually work, like you see a certain fee is too much or little, you get a royalty percentage. All this is direct with private entities and individuals who can compete as groups or undividuals to compete.

Wtf does Obama know about how online distribution systems really work? Nothing! Then why does his pathetic Indonesian ass get to do things like SOPA? What does he know about health care? Is he a fucking doctor? If you have no clue how something workd, why do you get to make policy about it? I'd like to be a robotics engineer, but I don't have enough programming and electronic skills. So if I can't make Terminator robots, why do politicians get to fuck me, when they think some sky mexican is the one putting food on our plates? I say they need to god damn piss off and only those qualified can participate.
you have still refused to answer my comments on the diminutive nature of your WAAAGH! as compared to my towering brobdingnagian levels of WAAAGH!. I still contend that my WAAAGH levels are far in excess of your own, and thus you should concede the debate in proper anarcho-orkish fashion. Your refusal to accept my obvious superiority in WAAAGH!!! levels destabilizes our entire horde and jeopardizes the fragile alliances that allow us to maintain our current assault on worlds controlled by the Imperium of Man. I further propose that your shootah is painted the wrong shade of red and thus delivers it's projectiles with diminished force and WAAAGH!. i demand that you repaint your shootahs and choppahs to the appropriate color immediately before you anger the Mighty Gork, and the Clever Mork. as a member of theis WAAAGH! it falls upon you to respect the WAAAGH! levels of those who possess superior WAAAGH!! to your own,, and assist in the continuation of this WAAAGH! until the fruition of our ulitmate goal of establishing even greater levels of WAAAGH! throughout this Uzg.

Lats muust bubhosh
agh dem hoomies muzt ded.

Da Warboss ob dem WAAAAGH!


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Homey, I think your weed got spiked with bath salts. Just don't turn zombie on me, ok?
somebody never played warhammer 40k.

see the orks are true anarchists, they live by the tyranny of the strongest ork (the one with the most WAAAGH!, and thus the biggest and the strongest) and his power only lasts till somebody else kills him.

all disputes are settled in a pit fight, and after the pit fight the dispute is considered settled by the will of Gork and Mork, their two deities, one being the embodiment of cunning strength (wits you when you are not looking) and the other being the embodiment of strong cunning (hits you hard when you are looking). dont ask which is which. youll have to have a pit fight.

as a result, WAAAGH! (being the defining characteristic of ork "society") has come to be rather like aloha, it means hello goodbye strength, the warband, the raiders, the battlefleet, the big boss, the method by which their technology works and in some cases every emotion an ork might possibly feel (including hate anger rage fury jealousy and bloodthirstiness) there are even reports of primitive ork societies where their entire language is made up solely of the word WAAAAGH! with different volumes, tones, inflections and lenths of enunciation.

please note WAAAAGH! is always written in caps, with at least 3 A's and one exclamation point, though more of each are permissible to convey greater levels of WAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!! it is custromary however to limit your exclamation points to fewer than the number of A's in your WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! but there is no limit on the number of A's and within the above limits, exclamation points in your WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!!! within reason.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You're making this shit up as you go along.
actually no, im not. it;s all clearly spelled out in the ork codex. heres a snippet from the wiki as i am reluctant to post the entire codex online, or futz around with my scanner which im pretty sure i dont know how to use...


[/h]Ork culture circulates around seemingly random violence, which dominates every aspect of their culture. However, to characterize it as evil, malicious, or racist is to ignore the fact that it is in their nature. Most competitive activities amongst fellow Orks end in death. In fact, most activities Orks engage in involve death. Their culture (when not fighting each other) is mainly reminiscent of tribal methods, with a crude understanding of trade and commerce (although comically, their currency is said to be the teeth knocked out of each other in brawls). This may be a byproduct of the rather brutal 40K universe, however, and it is possible that behavioral conditioning of Orks could result in a more placid lifeform.
Ork behavior is dominated by the WAAAAAGH!, a gestalt psychic field they generate that affects the Ork psyche, as it allows Orks to instinctively recognize who is 'bigga N' Dead Killy' and therefore in charge, which also feeds into the physiological expressions of success. All Orks generate this field, and it grows stronger as the Orks enjoy themselves, generally while fighting. The WAAAAAGH! helps give momentum (and the name) to the Orks' planet-crushing WAAAAAGH!s. These WAAAAAGH!s are a cross between a mass migration, holy war, looting party and pub brawl, with a bit of genocide thrown in for good measure. Millions of Orks will gather together, drawn to the power of a single dominant Ork called a Warboss, who are essentially extremely successful Ork Nobs, distinguished from most Nobs thanks to their higher level of intelligence, many qualifying as geniuses even by human standards (which is not to say that Warbosses are always intelligent; some are simply too big, too green, and too strong to be resisted), though their lack of education can often lead their enemies to assume their stupidity (which is usually the last mistake they make). Once assembled into a huge mass, consisting of hundreds of millions or even billions of Orks and their countless ramshackle vehicles and spacecraft, the Orks will set off to find an enemy to fight - any enemy. Ork Waaagh!s will sweep whole planetary systems away and destroy armies and fleets in tides of bloodlust and carnage, and only once the Orks have killed every available enemy will they start to fight amongst themselves again!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Wow. You nerds need help. I thought D&D was bad.

A few years ago I was in a Coldslabe Creamery. There were these four guys and a girl playing in real life World of Warcraft. They pretended the cashier was a barbarian slave girl.

Were you the short hairy dude with glasses in the group?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Wow. You nerds need help. I thought D&D was bad.

A few years ago I was in a Coldslabe Creamery. There were these four guys and a girl playing in real life World of Warcraft. They pretended the cashier was a barbarian slave girl.

Were you the short hairy dude with glasses in the group?
i used to play warhammer and warhammer 40k back in the 90's it was a fun and delightful way to get together with the homeys, smoke a shitload of dope,, eat nachos and play wargames all night long.

its a tabletop battle game dependent on the movement of tiny painted figures through strategy and dice rolls to outflank and defeat your opponent. these days i mostly just play the computer and console games when they come out, but occasionally i enjoy reading the books and watching the movies.

and yes, im a nerd. but a country nerd. i spent today splittin wood for winter and tending my garden till it got so hot i needed some beer and bonghits. in a few weeks one of my childhood amigos will be in town so i may break out my old warhammer skaven army and see what he's got. or prehaps bloodbowl, a tabeltop gridiron footbal game using the same figures and similar rules. but hilarious. my blitzer Mister Ghoulie, (a reanimated ork zombie) held the league lead in referee kills for all 3 seasons of regulation play in 1994-1997 and only failed to lead the overall league due to a lucky spell miscast during a referee conference in a friend's chaos team's match against the my cousin's dwarf team.


Well-Known Member
theres no such animal as a free market anarchist. anarchy precludes markets, there are only robbers and the robbed.

having a market requires a meeting place free from the threat of violence where possessors of marketable materials can display and trade their goods without fear of immediate robbery. Most markets also feature an accepted medium of exchange, such as coins, notched tally sticks,, or other currency,, because you may want my corn but i may not want to trade directly for 15 live chickens,, or a stack of buffalo hides, so i trade for a representative of the value, and move on over to the blacksmith's to get a new plow,, which he would be unlikely to trade for a bunch of corn, but he may desire charcoal from the woodcutter, who would have no use for a plow, but has a hankering for fried chicken.... without a sufficient level of stability (usually provided by some form of overarching authority, such as a tribal chief's warriors, a liege lord's war band, or a walled city state) no market can exist.

thus anarchy and anarchists preclude markets.

you are probably totting up a remarkably low tolerance for authority figures, taxes, and structure, this makes you a libertarian, not an anarchist. anarchism and it's many delightful sub-genres have become the re-branding of marxism, with less exhortations to proletarian revolution and more insistence on total liberty without restraint save the ones you put upon yourself,, which would necessarily devolve into an authoritarian and eventually (they hope) socialist/marxist state which could then evolve into true communism and the workers paradise.

mountain men, frontiersmen, trappers, traders, traveling tinkers and gypsies are all very much the heroic model that the new gritty re-boot of marxism tries to capture, but in reality it attracts people who do not and could not tend to their own survival under the conditions anarchism creates, thus ensure the demand that SOMEBODY do SOMETHING to fix the anarcho-whateverism,, resulting in,, of course, a marxist socialist totalitarian state "For The Children" when somalia finally gets it's shit in order, it will most likely become a moslem socialist revolutionary state, like iran, or pre-invasion iraq. (bet you didnt know that iran was a socialist state didya? so was iraq under the bathists, and so remains syria for the duration of the current regime)
this was put together great. good job.

that shit about orks tho...?? lol

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
For two nights this week what I did for fun was watch two movies I've seen a few times, but high.

The first night was Robocop. Not a good idea high. I freaked out. Started tripping. I thought I was Murphy dying. I could hardly breath. I thought about all the things I'd never get to do.

The next day was Ernest Goes to Camp. Much better choice high. It was real funny, funnier than the first time I saw it in the theater. I even broke out in chorus with Ernest while he sang, Gee I'm Glad It's Raining. The movie reminded me I need to use a little more Alfredo in my vegan dishes and my vegan eggs look better than eggseronius.

I need to get Tom Hank's movie Monsters to watch high, maybe then I could get where you're coming from.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
For two nights this week what I did for fun was watch two movies I've seen a few times, but high.

The first night was Robocop. Not a good idea high. I freaked out. Started tripping. I thought I was Murphy dying. I could hardly breath. I thought about all the things I'd never get to do.

The next day was Ernest Goes to Camp. Much better choice high. It was real funny, funnier than the first time I saw it in the theater. I even broke out in chorus with Ernest while he sang, Gee I'm Glad It's Raining. The movie reminded me I need to use a little more Alfredo in my vegan dishes and my vegan eggs look better than eggseronius.

I need to get Tom Hank's movie Monsters to watch high, maybe then I could get where you're coming from.
i would recommend any of several choices to watch while baked, including:

Surf 2, the End of the Triology
Deathstalker 2, Prince of Theives
Blood of Heroes (released in australia as Salute of the Jugger)
Spacehunter Adventures in the Forbidden Zone
Cyrano De Bergerac (with Gerard Depardieu, or the older one with Jose Ferrer both are awesome but in different ways)