Ron Paul for... Vice President?

You still don't get it, it's equal because gays and strights would have the same benefits without having to redefine marriage. Would you feel better if only gay people coudl get a civil union?

I would feel it would be equal if people would stop being so scared of just letting them get married. What would changing your precious definition to protect all people of this country do to hurt you?

Definitions change all the time.
I would feel it would be equal if people would stop being so scared of just letting them get married. What would changing your precious definition to protect all people of this country do to hurt you?

Definitions change all the time.

It has nothing to do with fear nor would redefining marriage "protect" anyone.
Amazing how people filled with hatred are ultimately just really mad at themselves. Funny how it always works out that way isn't it?
It has nothing to do with fear nor would redefining marriage "protect" anyone.

"All man are created equal, unless of course they are homosexual, than they are sub par equal and that is how our government views them so therefore the American people should to"

Awesome quote from the Declaration of Independence... oh wait..

you said anyone could get a civil union, mm, ff, or mf.

but only some people could get a marriage (mf).

equality would be ANYONE getting a civil union OR marriage.

how is this not perfectly clear?

The whole idea of civil unions is to get the same benefits without redefining marriage. That's how. :D

Would you feel better (or special) if only gays could get civil unions?

you said anyone could get a civil union, mm, ff, or mf.

but only some people could get a marriage (mf).

equality would be ANYONE getting a civil union OR marriage.

how is this not perfectly clear?

dammit UB. Have you even looked at his comment to you in another topic yet? lol..
Ron Paul on Homosexuality - interviewed by an actual evangelical bigot homophone..Disagrees with him completely.

"All man are created equal, unless of course they are homosexual, than they are sub par equal and that is how our government views them so therefore the American people should to"

Awesome quote from the Declaration of Independence... oh wait..
Gay men can marry women just like straight men can. Equal. :D
The whole idea of civil unions is to get the same benefits without redefining marriage. That's how. :D

Would you feel better (or special) if only gays could get civil unions?

how about only straight people get civil unions and gay people get marriage?

that seems fair to me, right?