Do You Carry A Weapon?

I always leave the house armed with my good looks and designer stubble. One quick wink can disorientate and disable women from up to 50 feet away. Lethal.
2011_08_19_00_46_50_977.jpg2011_08_19_00_47_02_858.jpg used to pack this one but its a little bulky so now im carring a .380 have a 12 gauge with a fold out stock and a M1 with a 25 round clip but sumthings wrong with the firing pen I think cause it only shoots once and its a semi auto
Boy that's a "loaded question". I have CCW and carry most of the time. .45acp officer model. It saved my life twice in the last 40 years from assholes that wanted to bring a knife to a gun fight. If I have any weed on me I do not carry. That would add a fed. offense to the problem. In that case just don't bother me and I won't kick out your knee caps.........
.40 S&W and carry it 80% of the time. At home, Mossberg 590 in the living room and bedroom. At where I grew...........nothing. Bitch is that's where you're the most vulnerable, but DO NOT have a firearm where you grow. (I promise)
nice arms guys! I sometimes foolishly drive around with my gsg-5 just in case, on oddly quiet nights.

got rid of the tec9, traded for a 1911 :)
i could, but i choose not probably end up shooting someone under the wrong circumstances.

EDIT: like in my state a person has to be commiting an act that would result in serious bodily harm in order for me to use a weapon..and like if i got into it with someone im pretty sure my first reaction would be to pull out my weapon in self defense..i think im just too trigger happy.
I look at it this way. I have funk with sum people. and to add to that alot of people know that I have alotof gud wieght. I have this one guy that i used to grow with back when i had a little pee nut ass setup and hes hating on me real hard. He doesnt like my wife cause he tryed to get at her and she shot him down and told me. im allways with her and the kids so im waiting for anyone to jam me up and try and jump me.... its lights out for them.