Open Carry at the RNC?

Trump 2016 -- anyone else is a socialist whining pansy that isn't educated enough with experience and is full of their liberal teachers BS they had to memorize to test well on or those whose parents beat them down for thinking anyway otherwise! No one owes you anything and all your fear monger exportation talk is bull. Any country will export illegals most countries just kill them! This isn't Uptoia because that doesn't exist, ask north Korea.

WW3 is on its way if you elect Hillary. A stronger relationship between Russia, EU, China and USA will grow. Take jobs from these developing nations and China? It'll balance out but we'll be competitive again and quality will return.
Trump 2016 -- anyone else is a socialist whining pansy that isn't educated enough with experience and is full of their liberal teachers BS they had to memorize to test well on or those whose parents beat them down for thinking anyway otherwise! No one owes you anything and all your fear monger exportation talk is bull. Any country will export illegals most countries just kill them! This isn't Uptoia because that doesn't exist, ask north Korea.

WW3 is on its way if you elect Hillary. A stronger relationship between Russia, EU, China and USA will grow. Take jobs from these developing nations and China? It'll balance out but we'll be competitive again and quality will return.
I hope you have enough prepper supplies in your bomb shelter/basement/bedroom then

Trump 2016 -- anyone else is a socialist whining pansy that isn't educated enough with experience and is full of their liberal teachers BS they had to memorize to test well on or those whose parents beat them down for thinking anyway otherwise! No one owes you anything and all your fear monger exportation talk is bull. Any country will export illegals most countries just kill them! This isn't Uptoia because that doesn't exist, ask north Korea.

WW3 is on its way if you elect Hillary. A stronger relationship between Russia, EU, China and USA will grow. Take jobs from these developing nations and China? It'll balance out but we'll be competitive again and quality will return.

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I hope you have enough prepper supplies in your bomb shelter/basement/bedroom then


Exactly why I won't vote for Bernie for Clinton. You all are a bunch of ignorant violent anarchists without a plan other than to use up the wealth capitalism creates and descend into a miserable place for everyone.
Trump 2016 -- anyone else is a socialist whining pansy that isn't educated enough with experience and is full of their liberal teachers BS they had to memorize to test well on or those whose parents beat them down for thinking anyway otherwise! No one owes you anything and all your fear monger exportation talk is bull. Any country will export illegals most countries just kill them! This isn't Uptoia because that doesn't exist, ask north Korea.

WW3 is on its way if you elect Hillary. A stronger relationship between Russia, EU, China and USA will grow. Take jobs from these developing nations and China? It'll balance out but we'll be competitive again and quality will return.
This post screams either "I never went to college!" or "I went to Liberty University!" which, if you think about it, is pretty much the same thing.
When you making $60,000 a month like I am. We'll talk about taxes and politics otherwise don't bother me with it. Well
Never see eye to eye. Call the police department and ask about open carry. You may not be allowed in all states but some might OK it.
When you making $60,000 a month like I am. We'll talk about taxes and politics otherwise don't bother me with it. Well
Never see eye to eye. Call the police department and ask about open carry. You may not be allowed in all states but some might OK it.

If you make $60 grand a month why the fuck are you smoking shake and growing with cfl's?

You said: "I donated money to a local delivery company in Nevada for an ounce of shake twice. I saved a few seeds and put them in a paper towel for a week and nothing happened. I put them under a 80 watt CFL light and they began the sprout.

Could it be that?
When you making $60,000 a month like I am. We'll talk about taxes and politics otherwise don't bother me with it. Well
Never see eye to eye. Call the police department and ask about open carry. You may not be allowed in all states but some might OK it.

Sure you do! :roll::roll::roll: Do you think we're all Trump supporters?

If you make $60 grand a month why the fuck are you smoking shake and growing with cfl's?

You said: "I donated money to a local delivery company in Nevada for an ounce of shake twice. I saved a few seeds and put them in a paper towel for a week and nothing happened. I put them under a 80 watt CFL light and they began the sprout.

Could it be that?

Rich white dude who shops at walmart