Well-Known Member
The average person who owns a gun is less safe to himself and his loved ones than if he didn't own a gun. The number of times a "good guy with a gun" uses it to defend is a fraction of the times the gun kills or injures a loved one by criminal intent by the owner or by an accident within the family. You might as well be reporting on the winner of a state lottery, its that unlikely.
The percentage of people who have a concealed carry license is only about 10%, or less, of the population in states that even allow it. Many times, those people do not carry every day. I don’t. So the odds of one of them being in the right place at the right time is greatly reduced. Look at the police. They get paid to drive around all day and try to fight crime. How often are they actually there to stop a crime in progress? They are usually called to come clean up the mess. Too late.
I also argue that most people who carry, are the types of people who are paying attention and try to not put themselves in a bad situation.
Where do criminals attack? Convenience stores, restaurants, schools, dark alleys. Places where people are usually prohibited from having a gun. How many times do you hear of a pawn shop or gun store being robbed? Pretty RARE, WHY? Because criminals know even if they get the jump, the odds are high that they will be shot themselves.