Under what you are suggesting, the redefinition would be changing the meaning of "gun rights" to "gun privileges" .
A right and a government granted privilege are two different things.
"Pot legalization" is proceeding in much the same way. Taxed and regulated is much different than simply decriminalized and government staying the fuck out of it.
Yeah i think i agree. I dont agree with the gov staying out of it. When there is no agreement about limits and controls shit always runs amok. There is no exception that i can think of. Without regs the greediest and least honorable folks push the limits of shit for narrow greed or an other malignant reason. The gov is a necessary evil I think.
Really i dont give it too much thought. I see zero issues with tough regs and banning certain weapons. Those regs would not impact me, a gun respecting American, at all
Sounds like the people ruling over other individuals without the express consent of those individuals are the ones threatening force...with guns. Would you agree with that ?