Concealed carry hand gun for a woman

Sorry, but you are incorrect.

Which for those that don't know. The LCP is basically a copy of the Kel-Tec P3AT. Kel-Tec makes cheap yet innovative good guns. The PMR-30 is ugly like the FNH five-seven, but 30rds of .22mag is pretty impressive. Especially at that cost. I should have bought one when they first came out.
Kel-tec 9mm I carry is double action only. I am correct about the gun I carry.

The ruger lcp is the same. Single strike, Double action.

I am not incorrect.
Read about the trigger pull.
Everything FNH makes is badass. Especially the military shit. Their catalog gives me a boner! I really want an FNP 45. 15+1 rd of .45acp and fits the hand well. It looks bigger than it feels. I used to have a Para Ordnance 14/45. Shoulda kept it!
In Vietnam I carried this beauty with a full magazine & none in the chamber. in combat the .45 was most useful for fighting your way to your rifle....
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P.S. I plucked this off of a dead VC in 1969 & it was in better condition than the one I was issued, so I kept it. It's been my best buddy ever since
Yup you have bad ass status. I wonder who the vc took the gun from originally.
Kel-tec 9mm I carry is double action only. I am correct about the gun I carry.

The ruger lcp is the same. Single strike, Double action.

I am not incorrect.
Read about the trigger pull.

You are correct in the double action trigger area. All double actions do the same thing. Perform two actions while pulling the trigger. Whereas single action performs one action when pulling the trigger. I was thinking you were talking about operation which is a different action. Kudos.
don't keep it in your purse. if it's not on you and you need it, you're fucked. purses get stolen all the time
get a .38 or .40 (big sig fan) and keep a 12 gauge pump for home defense. keep one in the chamber and safety on. perfectly safe. get a good concealed holster and spend hours at the range. HOURS

take some weapon retention classes in addition to the ccw class
I don't ever have one chambered either. The way i look at it is you have a zero percent chance of shooting yourself accidently versus a small chance of shooting your self with one chambered. And if I don't have 0.5 seconds to pull the slide back I'm probably already fucked, that half second shouldn't make a difference.

wrong. you'd be dead.

mark off 21 feet and have a buddy run at you while you try to draw. he'll be on you before it clears the holster and that's with knowing what's going to happen. totally cold walking in the mall parking lot? no chance
wrong. you'd be dead.

mark off 21 feet and have a buddy run at you while you try to draw. he'll be on you before it clears the holster and that's with knowing what's going to happen. totally cold walking in the mall parking lot? no chance


Practice proper gun safety and the gun will never go bang unless you want it to.
How does she like that light revolver? Any discomfort when shooting specials or +p? I've heard that complaint from more than one Ruger LCP owner. Especially when they get it with the CT grips.[/QUOTE

the pistol does have a stout recoil, esp with the +p, she complains about it hurts her wrist after shooting more then a few rounds.

for her concealed carry permit, she shot a semi auto .22 for the ease of recoil and reloading.

like i tell her, in the heat of action, she wont feel a thing.