Reparations MADE

I literally have your arrest record for lewd and lascivious with a minor under 13 you fucking pedophile. Its public record

You dont even have plumbing in your backwoods shack

Just because I've beaten you for years in nearly any feeble attempt you made to engage my arguments doesn't mean you have to create fake news.

Further, I did install indoor plumbing in my off the grid Utopia. That's what real men do, they get shit done.

You would have begged for money to pay a licensed plumber to come out and give you a good roto rooting if you had plumbing needs.
Why dont you go back to regurgitating your phony panic about transgender kids playing sports as if it were some kind of pressing matter you cowardly bitch
Yikes I did forget to mention my over the top crazy views on that subject! There are no physical differences between man and woman as it relates to sports... it is all there in the science!
Yikes I did forget to mention my over the top crazy views on that subject! There are no physical differences between man and woman as it relates to sports... it is all there in the science!
You're not a right wing douche you just repeat everything they say. Ok
You're welcome, sort of.

That would make so much more sense if government weren't a violent monopoly though. I wonder if you even know what I refer to? Hmm.

In an actual free market, (if it were allowed) you could run Cheap skate grocers and charge low prices for your crappy groceries and I could run a competitive grocery business, with good products and offer people the option of making an actual voluntary donation to several charitable causes.

I encourage charitable outcomes, but of course in order to get actual charitable outcomes, you have to apply actual charitable means rather than threats for those who don't support your ideas. Once you mix in the "or else" the outcome isn't charity.

No truly pure version of anything has ever existed anywhere at anytime, so wanting an "actual" anything conveys a degree of disconnect with reality.
videotape yourself telling him that the irish had it as bad as American slaves did then
Been there done that. And much farther as a matter of fact. You really wouldn’t like my views on most things as I’m a realist. I look at the reality of what has come from history. Not the paper version.
Saddest acknowledgment of what a fucking loser you are yet

Nuh uh.

No truly pure version of anything has ever existed anywhere at anytime, so wanting an "actual" anything conveys a degree of disconnect with reality.

Good one.

But, if you put your hand on a hot stove you will experience reality and run around crying and smelling like burnt flesh. Just saying.
I don’t mind you n hanni ganging up to try to argue something that your so out of touch with. It’s fine.. it’s what you do. But understand, you read about it. I live here. I watched the city fall to ruin. And it fell to ruin because of drugs way before the government stole half a million homes from the residents. And as for big business leaving the city to die, sure they did, no shit. You don’t invest money in places where you will lose. Up till recently Detroit was not only the murder leaded but one of the most crime riddled cities in America. Honest businesses had no choice, hell as many small businesses as could left as well. And it still isn’t a safe city at all. And it’s not safe for everyone. Fuck all that racial shit. Let’s get to the root of it all. It’s all power n poverty…. They have the power and you know what everyone else can get. But isn’t that what America has always been? The wealthy controlling the poor? So learn from it and adjust accordingly.
You are just being a troll here. That is on you man.

Im not ganging up on you, I was trying to have a conversation with you about this but you are overstimulated now and filling up with whatever online/tv/radio hate monger has programmed you to hear everything in.

it’s what you do. But understand, you read about it. I live here. I watched the city fall to ruin. And it fell to ruin because of drugs way before the government stole half a million homes from the residents. And as for big business leaving the city to die, sure they did, no shit. You don’t invest money in places where you will lose. Up till recently Detroit was not only the murder leaded but one of the most crime riddled cities in America. Honest businesses had no choice, hell as many small businesses as could left as well. And it still isn’t a safe city at all. And it’s not safe for everyone. Fuck all that racial shit. Let’s get to the root of it all. It’s all power n poverty…. They have the power and you know what everyone else can get. But isn’t that what America has always been? The wealthy controlling the poor?
You really think that the burbs were not using as much drugs as people in the city do?

You are the naive one then man. The only difference was that in the city you had 2000+ cops breathing down everyone's neck and in the country if you go off the road you have time to have someone pull you out with their tractor.

All of the crime stats are what happen when you stuff hundreds of thousands of poor people in very small areas and let everything get into disrepair because it is essentially all pollution left behind by the white people that left for the burbs.

So learn from it and adjust accordingly.
Yeah, unfortunately people are not able to see the entire problem from their one viewpoint and don't realize that their voting district is gerrymandered in a way that has kept power of them and their neighbors hands on the state/federal level since the 60's.
Just the things you guys never notice or realize is the funniest shit to me. (Speaking about these little arguments in the posts) I wonder if the two of you realize he’s just toying with you for his own entertainment? You can tell in the posts.. playing you like a couple of flutes. He could prolly take the wrong side of a argument and still win. Your too slow to keep up… relax. Go smoke one.
History is a accumulation of events of interest to those who are writing it. And again I’m 50. Not 100. Neither are you I would bet. So it’s not a point in history you should even be speaking of.
You also are going off of an understanding as a white person who understands that there is racism, but don't get how it has impacted everything around you.
I’m curious… which of you has been to college and which has been a blue collar worker? Or what??
Here to both.

Just the things you guys never notice or realize is the funniest shit to me. (Speaking about these little arguments in the posts) I wonder if the two of you realize he’s just toying with you for his own entertainment? You can tell in the posts.. playing you like a couple of flutes. He could prolly take the wrong side of a argument and still win. Your too slow to keep up… relax. Go smoke one.
Bitch please.

I have smoked at least 4 times while typing this shit out for you to ignore this morning.