Reparations MADE

My views align with the Trump family? Mooray, please stay out of the troll games. You always try to come off as above it, but you're picking up the Buck strategy of 'invent a connection'.

Que..? First, I don't try to come off as anything, but second, you said you didn't think "manly" was the best way to describe her and I said "like mommy" because she looks like Jr's stepmom, meaning "like mommy" is the best way to describe her. Dad wants to bang his daughter while the son wants to bang the mom. Mixed in with their politics and they're exactly like Virginia inbred white trash that won the lottery.
It would depend if the sports organization was funded via force / taxation or if the sports organization was private.

If it was private, the libertarian aspect would be to support it, if a given libertarian valued it and not to support it if a different libertarian didn't find value in it. It would involve free choice of the individual libertarian to associate or not.

If it were force funded like in a government school situation the libertarian aspect (perspective) would be to malign the coercion. Since to be an actual libertarian you would frown on the initiation of aggression used to fund government schools.

You're welcome, nincompoop.
I was asking the other dumbshit racist pretending to be a libertarian
People like Bezos are hardcore libertarians. That should tell people all they need to know. If you want to do something shitty and the laws are hindering you, the first stop is to become a libertarian.
Que..? First, I don't try to come off as anything, but second, you said you didn't think "manly" was the best way to describe her and I said "like mommy" because she looks like Jr's stepmom, meaning "like mommy" is the best way to describe her. Dad wants to bang his daughter while the son wants to bang the mom. Mixed in with their politics and they're exactly like Virginia inbred white trash that won the lottery.
That pesky internet miscommunication.
You were doing it deliberately earlier because you're too much of a pussy to own up to your own expressed views
I am a dick. Deliberate trolling mixed with my opinion is how we get along. Rob answered the libertarian question pretty good, but I am not really against public schools. Our views don't have to mesh completely. What expressed view have I not owned up to?
Google around and you'll find hints of it, but the most convincing bit came from a friend of his on a podcast, think it was Joe Rogan.

Thank you for the response. I may research this.

I see libertarianism as better than Libertarianism. I would be surprised if Bezos is a libertarian.
I am a dick. Deliberate trolling mixed with my opinion is how we get along. Rob answered the libertarian question pretty good, but I am not really against public schools. Our views don't have to mesh completely. What expressed view have I not owned up to?
No you're a pussy

And a racist, and a transphobe
Thank you for the response. I may research this.

I see libertarianism as better than Libertarianism. I would be surprised if Bezos is a libertarian.

Sometimes I intentionally go lower case to convey a lack of respect; libertarians, christians, russia, china, rob roy, etc.
That's you running like a bitch again
From? Making a list of people who are upset about trans children and sports? It wasn't a big enough list to stop the laws being enacted. I didn't make the list.

On topic, what is your opinion on reparations or maybe how they should be done? Anything to add to the conversation, or do we still belong at the children's table?

It is alright to have no opinion on the topic, sometimes the conversations be like that.
Reparations must be privatized. With republicans around, you can't open the door of unfairness for a minute, even if to do something good.