Again. I gave you my reasons:
Too many people are going to have to be told they must give up their healthcare plans that they like for Medicare. This is fact. Tens of millions of voters are going to hate that. Think about how that will affect election results.
Also. Bernie's plan has not said how it will be paid for. This is fact. I think funding method should be stated up front before changing how a quarter of this economy will be financed. Personally, I can't support a plan like Bernie's and I don't think I'm alone.
Also, support for Bernie's Medicare for All plan flips from majority supports to majority don't support when taxes or longer waiting times are included. So STFU about how this plan is popular. Support depends completely on how it will be paid for and whether or not quality of service suffers. Bernie's plan is a half finished amateurish attempt to manipulate people but only weak minded people like you are going for it.
My opinion is that this is a loser politically speaking. I gave you my reasons. They are founded on facts that you can't really deny.
You owe me where you came up with the statement that most Republicans support Medicare for all. I think you pulled that out of your ass.