In 2020. America will not get BERNED again

a corporate donor list will be Biden's downfall..everyone who's running must be grassroots or they'll be passed over.


Bernie Sanders is never going to be elected President of the USA.

His 3 house hypocrisy will get him laughed at, he can't even be a good fake commie. Senile?
Not a chance. The Russians were never socialists. They were communists. Russians were more libertarian Marxism than anything else. They actually hate socialism of any kind.

"libertarian Marxism" ? Could you define what you think that means? Thanks.
Seriously: stop posting and go back to high school.

Now, if you ever manage to get your high school diploma and land a job, you'll notice a section in the taxes part that says "FICA".

Everyone with an income pays into it. It funds Social Security and Medicare.

So everyone is already funding it right now whether they use it or not.


FICA is not where the ACA money is coming from..if it were, it would then be Medicare for All- which it's not.

Unless you are retired, you are paying into the fund for others and hopefully, others in the future will pay into it for you- hopefully.

FICA covers Social Security/SSDI and Medicare.

-25 doesn't seem like the majority

re: this a popularity contest or a presidential race? Populism doesn't win races; platform does and Sanders is already running. sheeple are stupid popular = well known and to many Biden is more well known than Sanders..why? perhaps it was because he was Vice President- he SHOULD be more popular- i would be surprised if he wasn't. look at Pence, where is he? is he still even alive? haven't seen or heard from him since distancing himself from Trumpy.

haven't you noticed?
Again. I gave you my reasons:

Too many people are going to have to be told they must give up their healthcare plans that they like for Medicare. This is fact. Tens of millions of voters are going to hate that. Think about how that will affect election results.

Also. Bernie's plan has not said how it will be paid for. This is fact. I think funding method should be stated up front before changing how a quarter of this economy will be financed. Personally, I can't support a plan like Bernie's and I don't think I'm alone.

Also, support for Bernie's Medicare for All plan flips from majority supports to majority don't support when taxes or longer waiting times are included. So STFU about how this plan is popular. Support depends completely on how it will be paid for and whether or not quality of service suffers. Bernie's plan is a half finished amateurish attempt to manipulate people but only weak minded people like you are going for it.

My opinion is that this is a loser politically speaking. I gave you my reasons. They are founded on facts that you can't really deny.

You owe me where you came up with the statement that most Republicans support Medicare for all. I think you pulled that out of your ass.

i know you can't understand this but..
Bernie Sanders is never going to be elected President of the USA.

His 3 house hypocrisy will get him laughed at, he can't even be a good fake commie. Senile?

que sera, sera..what will be, will be..que sera, serrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

they laughed at Einstein too..

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You're relying on an unscientific opinion poll designed to elicit a negative response

Do you like vaccines?

Would you still like vaccines if they didn't protect you from disease?..

Do you like Medicare for all?

Would you still like medicare for all if you had to pay higher taxes and people died due to wait times?..

You should address this point
You said Republicans favor Bernie's Medicare for All plan. You failed to support that with back up information. You lied. Why would anybody listen you when you have been shown to be a liar?

Some facts:

155 million people have private healthcare coverage provided through their work -- that's from the 2016 Census bureau cited in a Wikipedia article linked below
70% of people with healthcare coverage like their plan -- that's in the Gallup poll article linked below

Simple arithmetic says 108.5 million people like the coverage they have will be forced into Medicare.

I don't need somebody else's study to draw the conclusion that 10's of millions of voters will oppose government forcing them out of a plan they like.

You can talk till you are green in the face to some people and they will resist being told what to do. So Bernie is just forcing them. That's a losing proposition in my opinion.

A public option for people to take the healthcare dollars they already spend to buy into Medicare is the better policy. Corporations who provide healthcare coverage as a benefit may decide whether or not to buy into Medicare too. Under Obamacare, people with low incomes and no healthcare benefit through work are already subsidized for healthcare.

If Bernie's Medicare for All is so great, why does it force people out of plans they like? If it's so much better and cheaper, why not let people decide for themselves? You need to answer this question because it's the only reply I'll give you regarding this subject from now on.

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re: this a popularity contest or a presidential race? Populism doesn't win races; platform does and Sanders is already running. sheeple are stupid popular = well known and to many Biden is more well known than Sanders..why? perhaps it was because he was Vice President- he SHOULD be more popular- i would be surprised if he wasn't. look at Pence, where is he? is he still even alive? haven't seen or heard from him since distancing himself from Trumpy.

haven't you noticed?


You're confused again.

@Padawanbater2 has been posting that same poll as proof that Bernie was the most popular politician in the country since April 2017 despite the fact that it only included about a dozen names. Many of us attempted to explain to your clique ad nauseam why this was a poor indicator of Bernie's success in the election. Now, that very same poll has Biden's name at the top, and suddenly it doesn't matter.

My decision to include that poll in my signature, honestly I'd forgotten until you mentioned it, isn't an endorsement of Joe Biden, it's in indictment of your groups hypocrisy.

Hope that clears things up for you.
re: this a popularity contest or a presidential race? Populism doesn't win races; platform does and Sanders is already running. sheeple are stupid popular = well known and to many Biden is more well known than Sanders..why? perhaps it was because he was Vice President- he SHOULD be more popular- i would be surprised if he wasn't. look at Pence, where is he? is he still even alive? haven't seen or heard from him since distancing himself from Trumpy.

haven't you noticed?
Bernie Sanders is not electable for many reasons such as his stupid authoritarian health care plan that forces tens of millions of people out of plans they like and he is a poor leader for women and minorities issues.

Haven't you noticed?