Well-Known Member
The majority of Republicans support Medicare for all. The overwhelming majority of Democrats support it. And Biden is botching the question on every news station when asked about it because he knows everyone supports it except his donorsThat wasn't the point, idiot.
I wasn't outraged about the legal requirement that everybody must have healthcare insurance but a huge number of people were. The requirement to have insurance became an issue that in part handed Congress over to Republicans during the Obama administration. I don't know if you can understand this but I'll repeat again. If simply requiring people to have insurance caused a shitstorm, imagine people being forced from plans they like into Medicare. Tens of millions of voters. Medicare is fine. My mom has it and its a good deal. But there are going to be a whopping large number of people who object to the authoritarian way Bernie forces people to switch coverage to Medicare.
In my opinion that those angry voters will tip the presidential election to Trump. You can agree with me or not. I don't care. In my opinion, this alone makes Bernie unelectable.