In 2020. America will not get BERNED again

I think the DNC fucked up by not forcing Sanders to join. Now it's too late. He's going to lose the primary, then he is going to attack Democrats and split the party.

I know the closet Trumptards tty, shitler and padawandickhead will be joyous about that
The one thing to their credit (and it ain't much) is that they are pretty transparent about it. Maybe because it is because they can smell the stink of Bernie's campaign going down. Maybe its because they can't help themselves due to their lack of character. Regardless, they aren't going to play much of a part in the coming election for a couple of reasons; first, Bernie isn't going to get very far this time, second because people are starting to realize that their "LET BERNIE WIN OR WE'LL GIVE YOU TRUMP" is playing right into Trump's hands.
Berniebitches always deny this accusation.

Have they gone back yet and deleted quotes in which they have said exactly this?
Nah, they can't get all of them. Those same posts have been re-quoted to them 100 times and it doesn't matter and never will. They are pretty much immune to facts and unaccountable for their own actions and words due to their unfailing belief in their own superiority and the willingness to do whatever it takes to get what they want - the definition of authoritarian.

Case in point would be the coward @ttystikk recently accusing me of being pro-war with Venezuela because I dared to question his sources which have been proven to be factually incorrect. I have asked him to post proof of my being pro-war with Venezuela but he will never do that - because he can't. To these people, disagreeing with them is a crime worse than pretty much anything. They feel more comfortable with those who have fundamental policy disagreements but use the same crooked and intellectually dishonest tactics that they do - Trumpers. At least the Putin/Trump axis gives them the respect that they are due as useful idiots - something I will not do.

You'll never see people like @ttystikk take responsibility for his own actions - just ask his daughter.
Nah, they can't get all of them. Those same posts have been re-quoted to them 100 times and it doesn't matter and never will. They are pretty much immune to facts and unaccountable for their own actions and words due to their unfailing belief in their own superiority and the willingness to do whatever it takes to get what they want - the definition of authoritarian.

Case in point would be the coward @ttystikk recently accusing me of being pro-war with Venezuela because I dared to question his sources which have been proven to be factually incorrect. I have asked him to post proof of my being pro-war with Venezuela but he will never do that - because he can't. To these people, disagreeing with them is a crime worse than pretty much anything. They feel more comfortable with those who have fundamental policy disagreements but use the same crooked and intellectually dishonest tactics that they do - Trumpers. At least the Putin/Trump axis gives them the respect that they are due as useful idiots - something I will not do.

You'll never see people like @ttystikk take responsibility for his own actions - just ask his daughter.
Who's worse. Rob Roy or the Berniebitches?
Who's worse. Rob Roy or the Berniebitches?

They both deserve the same fate.
they aren't going to play much of a part in the coming election
"not gonna play much in the coming election"

So if Biden loses, that means you're not going to hold Sanders supporters responsible for his loss like you did with Clinton, right?

Can I get you to admit it a year and a half out or would that be asking too much?

What's it matter which way we vote if we aren't going to play much of a part in the coming election anyway?
“I think there is no question that Sanders was central to their strategy. He was clearly used as a mechanism to decrease voter turnout for Hillary Clinton,” Clemson communications professor Darren Linvill told the Post, adding that the analysis shows the targeted tweets came at a “ higher volume than people thought.
"not gonna play much in the coming election"

So if Biden loses, that means you're not going to hold Sanders supporters responsible for his loss like you did with Clinton, right?

Can I get you to admit it a year and a half out or would that be asking too much?

What's it matter which way we vote if we aren't going to play much of a part in the coming election anyway?
If your numbers are great enough you can still fuck up the election. But you will play little, if any, role in the governance afterward. You are pawns of Putin and Trump. Neither side takes you seriously because of your faithless tactics.

Despite your laying claim to progressive policies, you did not create them, nor do you own them. They will go forward but your type will be left in the basement as usual because you are intellectually dishonest and politically naive.

Funny how you seek absolution at this point.

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"not gonna play much in the coming election"

So if Biden loses, that means you're not going to hold Sanders supporters responsible for his loss like you did with Clinton, right?

Can I get you to admit it a year and a half out or would that be asking too much?

What's it matter which way we vote if we aren't going to play much of a part in the coming election anyway?
People on both sides have it wrong.

Contrary to what is said about them, Bernie's boys voted for Clinton at the rate of 90%. Looking back at previous elections, that's a comparatively high number, so, it's false to claim Bernie's bots "gave us Trump"

Contrary to what Bernie's boys say, Bernie would have lost. He couldn't even draw a majority of Democratic votes. He would have been trounced in the general election. His healthcare plans alone would have sunk him. Not to mention free this, that and everything else without a plan to pay for it.
The one thing to their credit (and it ain't much) is that they are pretty transparent about it. Maybe because it is because they can smell the stink of Bernie's campaign going down. Maybe its because they can't help themselves due to their lack of character. Regardless, they aren't going to play much of a part in the coming election for a couple of reasons; first, Bernie isn't going to get very far this time, second because people are starting to realize that their "LET BERNIE WIN OR WE'LL GIVE YOU TRUMP" is playing right into Trump's hands.
So who's going to be the one? Creepy UncleBiden? biden.cait.jpg
If your numbers are great enough you can still fuck up the election.
OK, is that what you believed happened?
But you will play little, if any, role in the governance afterward.
Why do you know who AOC is?

Why do you know who Ilhan Omar is?

Why do you now know who Rashida Tlaib is?

These are freshmen congresswomen, without a year of experience in congress

Why are they the focus of the Republican establishment? Why doesn't the Democratic establishment defend them when the RE offends them?

Would you, or anyone else, care to respond to this?
OK, is that what you believed happened?

Why do you know who AOC is?

Why do you know who Ilhan Omar is?

Why do you now know who Rashida Tlaib is?

These are freshmen congresswomen, without a year of experience in congress

Why are they the focus of the Republican establishment? Why doesn't the Democratic establishment defend them when the RE offends them?

Would you, or anyone else, care to respond to this?
We know who they are because they got votes from a diverse coalition of voters

They didn’t just pander to white males, like bernie