In 2020. America will not get BERNED again


Well-Known Member
That wasn't the point, idiot.

I wasn't outraged about the legal requirement that everybody must have healthcare insurance but a huge number of people were. The requirement to have insurance became an issue that in part handed Congress over to Republicans during the Obama administration. I don't know if you can understand this but I'll repeat again. If simply requiring people to have insurance caused a shitstorm, imagine people being forced from plans they like into Medicare. Tens of millions of voters. Medicare is fine. My mom has it and its a good deal. But there are going to be a whopping large number of people who object to the authoritarian way Bernie forces people to switch coverage to Medicare.

In my opinion that those angry voters will tip the presidential election to Trump. You can agree with me or not. I don't care. In my opinion, this alone makes Bernie unelectable.
The majority of Republicans support Medicare for all. The overwhelming majority of Democrats support it. And Biden is botching the question on every news station when asked about it because he knows everyone supports it except his donors


Well-Known Member
If everyone does not opt into insurance, how would it be funded?

The Trump administration removed the individual mandate, that effectively killed the ACA in the (predominantly red) areas where state governments chose not to

So you tell me, Tacoboy, how are we going to fund any kind of universal healthcare coverage, including the ACA, if half the country's states choose not to opt into it?

You mandate coverage. That's how. When Obama did it, none of you were crying about force. So stfu about it now because someone more progressive came along and did it better.

Seriously: stop posting and go back to high school.

Now, if you ever manage to get your high school diploma and land a job, you'll notice a section in the taxes part that says "FICA".

Everyone with an income pays into it. It funds Social Security and Medicare.

So everyone is already funding it right now whether they use it or not.



Well-Known Member
Why did the ACA require the individual mandate if FICA took care of medicare costs?
Good God almighty, you're dumber than a box of rocks.

Medicare is government insurance presently not available until age 65 just like social security.

The ACA was private insurance available to anyone at any age with limited subsidies and oversight of the federal government. The act simply required insurers to stop raping people with things like limiting coverage, preexisting conditions and other bullshit practices.

So, in other words, one is night and the other is day.

Again, if you had ever done anything in life for yourself, you'd know this and wouldn't be making a complete ass of yourself. Again.



Well-Known Member
The majority of Republicans support Medicare for all.
Post the link to the report that Republican support Benie's plan or you are just bullshitting again. I'll laugh if it's from moonofalabama or some such shitty source.

From what I've read when the issues of taxes or longer waiting times comes up, support drops off sharply.
Poll: Support for ‘Medicare-for-all’ fluctuates with details

WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans like the idea of “Medicare-for-all,” but support flips to disapproval if it would result in higher taxes or longer waits for care.

That’s a key insight from a national poll released Wednesday by the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation. It comes as Democratic presidential hopefuls embrace the idea of a government-run health care system, considered outside the mainstream of their party until Vermont independent


Well-Known Member
You're a complete idiot. I'm done with your stupidity.
You wouldn't. Thanks for playing
From what I've read when the issues of taxes or longer waiting times comes up, support drops off sharply.
Which is why you choose to use those numbers to bolster your argument in the first place

When you conduct a scientific poll, you don't add caveats to the poll because it convolutes the data. You can elicit any answer you want if you add caveats because it changes the meaning of the question. Here's an example;

Q. Do you support the safety regulations enacted by the Food and Drug Administration?

Most people would say yes

What happens if you add caveats, like the poll you cited does?

Q. Do you support the safety regulations enacted by the Food and Drug Administration if they're ineffective at regulating safe products for consumers and raise taxpayer dollars?

Most people would say no..

That's what you're doing here. Because you're using the caveat "if it would result in higher taxes" when it will result in higher taxes, but it'll also result in lower/no deductible/copay/premium, so the net benefit outweighs the rise in taxes

by the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation
Do a little research on that organization maybe

They have a vested interest in opposing Medicare for all


Well-Known Member
You wouldn't. Thanks for playing

Which is why you choose to use those numbers to bolster your argument in the first place

When you conduct a scientific poll, you don't add caveats to the poll because it convolutes the data. You can elicit any answer you want if you add caveats because it changes the meaning of the question. Here's an example;

Q. Do you support the safety regulations enacted by the Food and Drug Administration?

Most people would say yes

What happens if you add caveats, like the poll you cited does?

Q. Do you support the safety regulations enacted by the Food and Drug Administration if they're ineffective at regulating safe products for consumers and raise taxpayer dollars?

Most people would say no..

That's what you're doing here. Because you're using the caveat "if it would result in higher taxes" when it will result in higher taxes, but it'll also result in lower/no deductible/copay/premium, so the net benefit outweighs the rise in taxes

Do a little research on that organization maybe

They have a vested interest in opposing Medicare for all
Again. I gave you my reasons:

Too many people are going to have to be told they must give up their healthcare plans that they like for Medicare. This is fact. Tens of millions of voters are going to hate that. Think about how that will affect election results.

Also. Bernie's plan has not said how it will be paid for. This is fact. I think funding method should be stated up front before changing how a quarter of this economy will be financed. Personally, I can't support a plan like Bernie's and I don't think I'm alone.

Also, support for Bernie's Medicare for All plan flips from majority supports to majority don't support when taxes or longer waiting times are included. So STFU about how this plan is popular. Support depends completely on how it will be paid for and whether or not quality of service suffers. Bernie's plan is a half finished amateurish attempt to manipulate people but only weak minded people like you are going for it.

My opinion is that this is a loser politically speaking. I gave you my reasons. They are founded on facts that you can't really deny.

You owe me where you came up with the statement that most Republicans support Medicare for all. I think you pulled that out of your ass.


Well-Known Member
Again. I gave you my reasons:

Too many people are going to have to be told they must give up their healthcare plans that they like for Medicare. This is fact. Tens of millions of voters are going to hate that. Think about how that will affect election results.

Also. Bernie's plan has not said how it will be paid for. This is fact. I think funding method should be stated up front before changing how a quarter of this economy will be financed. Personally, I can't support a plan like Bernie's and I don't think I'm alone.

Also, support for Bernie's Medicare for All plan flips from majority supports to majority don't support when taxes or longer waiting times are included. So STFU about how this plan is popular. Support depends completely on how it will be paid for and whether or not quality of service suffers. Bernie's plan is a half finished amateurish attempt to manipulate people but only weak minded people like you are going for it.

My opinion is that this is a loser politically speaking. I gave you my reasons. They are founded on facts that you can't really deny.

You owe me where you came up with the statement that most Republicans support Medicare for all. I think you pulled that out of your ass.
You're relying on an unscientific opinion poll designed to elicit a negative response

Do you like vaccines?

Would you still like vaccines if they didn't protect you from disease?..

Do you like Medicare for all?

Would you still like medicare for all if you had to pay higher taxes and people died due to wait times?..

You should address this point


Well-Known Member
You're relying on an unscientific opinion poll designed to elicit a negative response

Do you like vaccines?

Would you still like vaccines if they didn't protect you from disease?..

Do you like Medicare for all?

Would you still like medicare for all if you had to pay higher taxes and people died due to wait times?..

You should address this point
He's pointing out reality. Something that eludes you.


Well-Known Member
The majority of Republicans support Medicare for all. The overwhelming majority of Democrats support it. And Biden is botching the question on every news station when asked about it because he knows everyone supports it except his donors
a corporate donor list will be Biden's downfall..everyone who's running must be grassroots or they'll be passed over.



Well-Known Member
Sanders isn't a socialist. It wouldn't matter even if he was. Was Obama a socialist?

Whoever the Democratic nominee is will be labeled as a socialist
and then there's..

Dear Russian Propagandists - the future is NOW OURS TO SEE..what we create today, will create our future:

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Well-Known Member
I wonder if the Republicans or the Russians will bankroll his candidacy this election cycle.
Not a chance. The Russians were never socialists. They were communists. Russians were more libertarian Marxism than anything else. They actually hate socialism of any kind.