White Supremicist kills black girl Jazmine Barnes

Also Jews were many times more likely to own slaves compared to the average white person, and Jews also owned most of the slave ships and were responsible for transporting and in large part running the transatlantic slave trade. (quite the profitable business at the time)

America and western world that you hate on, and have the freedom to do so, have the highest levels of human rights in the world. Thats why people from all over the world (the other countries) do whatever it takes to try to immigrate legally or illegally here. The only unique part about slavery in the western world is that people actually fought to abolish it, while it still exists in parts of the Middle East and African today (thank Hillary Clintons state department for destabilizing Libya and bringing back slavery there).


Also, we can close this thread, it turned out it was actually wasn't a white person who killed this black little girl. So, false alarm everyone! This exposes the Black Lives Matter hoax pretty clearly for everyone to see.
Sounds like you’ve gone full neo nazi
You are certainly eager to pass along your unverified sources. Twitter feeds? Really? Now that's something to trust!!!!!!

Would you be this fixated if the original story had been about a black shooter?
thats the point, all these celebrities are only stepping in because they thought it was a white shooter. Ask yourself why
more like you calling anyone you dislike a Nazi
i call you a nazi because you posted the anti-semitic "dual citizenship" canard, the racist "dindu nuffin" line, and the grand topper was when you started crying about "judeo-bolshevism"

wasn't there another prominent historical figure who decried judeo-bolshevism?
thats the point, all these celebrities are only stepping in because they thought it was a white shooter. Ask yourself why
It's all been said before. A family traumatized by seeing their sister shot dead in front of them saw a white man in a red pickup and that was that. It was you who made such a big deal about it. I didn't, but you did. Ask yourself why.
It's all been said before. A family traumatized by seeing their sister shot dead in front of them saw a white man in a red pickup and that was that. It was you who made such a big deal about it. I didn't, but you did. Ask yourself why.
no, actually it was virtue signalling celebrities and blue checks who did. Also, the mother was Facebook friends with the murderer, and they were both coming from the same coffee shop (idea was drug deal go
ne sour). The police got the video tape from the coffee shop, and that's how they broke the case.

i call you a nazi because you posted the anti-semitic "dual citizenship" canard, the racist "dindu nuffin" line, and the grand topper was when you started crying about "judeo-bolshevism"
wahh!!! I can post my comments targeting racial and religious groups, but you can't! You want to invoke the Holocaust, but won't allow Holodomor to be spoken of, even though its many times worse in terms of deaths/murders! Most people here probably have never even heard of the Holodomor.

This basically sums up the entire Jazmine Barnes situation and state of political climate in America today. Ask yourself why the blue checks and media only BlackLivesMatter respond in the way they do to these incidents (depending on the shooters race)?

no, actually it was virtue signalling celebrities and blue checks who did. Also, the mother was Facebook friends with the murderer, and they were both coming from the same coffee shop (idea was drug deal go
ne sour). The police got the video tape from the coffee shop, and that's how they broke the case.

wahh!!! I can post my comments targeting racial and religious groups, but you can't! You want to invoke the Holocaust, but won't allow Holodomor to be spoken of, even though its many times worse in terms of deaths/murders! Most people here probably have never even heard of the Holodomor.

This basically sums up the entire Jazmine Barnes situation and state of political climate in America today. Ask yourself why the blue checks and media only BlackLivesMatter respond in the way they do to these incidents (depending on the shooters race)?

There it is. That "virtue signalling" thing again. LOL, you right whingers love that fake sciency way to diminish another person's statements.

Yes, people jump to conclusions and get it wrong. The testimony given by that family was used by others to draw a conclusion that turned out to be wrong when more information became available. You, on the other hand immediately discounted their statements given the same insufficient amount of information. In both of these cases, biases guided their and your decision-making. I will say that I did not do that and I don't think that Facebook or Twitter are great sources of information upon which to draw conclusions as well. Yet, there you are, taking these isolated statements on Facebook and Twitter as some sort of indictment on this country and it's people.

This thread and many others give your posts the stench of racism and bigotry. I'm not saying you are racist or bigoted but your posts are certainly biased that way. Instead of being angry at me for pointing out that you jumped to a conclusion without enough information I suggest you go back and ask yourself why you did that.
no, actually it was virtue signalling celebrities and blue checks who did. Also, the mother was Facebook friends with the murderer, and they were both coming from the same coffee shop (idea was drug deal go
ne sour). The police got the video tape from the coffee shop, and that's how they broke the case.

wahh!!! I can post my comments targeting racial and religious groups, but you can't! You want to invoke the Holocaust, but won't allow Holodomor to be spoken of, even though its many times worse in terms of deaths/murders! Most people here probably have never even heard of the Holodomor.

This basically sums up the entire Jazmine Barnes situation and state of political climate in America today. Ask yourself why the blue checks and media only BlackLivesMatter respond in the way they do to these incidents (depending on the shooters race)?


yep, keep crying about "judeo-bolshevism" and then cry because people call you a nazi