Two Cops, Three Others Killed in Las Vegas Shooting Spree


Well-Known Member
"One of the shooters who ambushed two Las Vegas police officers and shot them to death at a pizzeria yelled “This is the start of a revolution!” before firing, witnesses told police.

The man and woman then sprayed bullets inside a nearby Walmart, gunning down a third person, before killing themselves in an apparent suicide pact, authorities said.

The officers were eating lunch Sunday at a Cici’s Pizza when the shooters approached. Authorities said they stripped the dead officers of their weapons and ammunition before going across the street to continue the spree.

“It’s a tragic day,” Sheriff Doug Gillespie told reporters. “But we still have a community to police, and we still have a community to protect. We will be out there doing it with our heads held high, but with an emptiness in our hearts.”

Investigators on Monday were trying to piece together what happened. The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that the shooters covered the dead officers with the Revolutionary War-era Gadsden flag, which depicts a coiled snake and the words “Don’t Tread On Me.”"

Hmm, I wonder what sort of political views these people had.


Well-Known Member
"Witnesses told police one of the shooters yelled “This is the start of a revolution” before shooting the officers. Gillespie later said he could not confirm that.

The shooters then stripped the officers of their weapons and ammunition and badges, according to a law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. They then covered the officers with something that featured the Gadsden flag, a yellow banner with a coiled snake above the words, “Don’t tread on Me.”

The flag is named for Christopher Gadsden a Revolutionary War general who designed it. It has recently come back in vogue as an adopted symbol of the American tea party movement."


Well-Known Member
"One of the shooters who ambushed two Las Vegas police officers and shot them to death at a pizzeria yelled “This is the start of a revolution!” before firing, witnesses told police.

The man and woman then sprayed bullets inside a nearby Walmart, gunning down a third person, before killing themselves in an apparent suicide pact, authorities said.

The officers were eating lunch Sunday at a Cici’s Pizza when the shooters approached. Authorities said they stripped the dead officers of their weapons and ammunition before going across the street to continue the spree.

“It’s a tragic day,” Sheriff Doug Gillespie told reporters. “But we still have a community to police, and we still have a community to protect. We will be out there doing it with our heads held high, but with an emptiness in our hearts.”

Investigators on Monday were trying to piece together what happened. The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that the shooters covered the dead officers with the Revolutionary War-era Gadsden flag, which depicts a coiled snake and the words “Don’t Tread On Me.”"

Hmm, I wonder what sort of political views these people had.
i'm gonna say stupid people?..didn't the gadsden flag represent the original 13 colonies against england?



Well-Known Member
Since the OP decided to politicize this right out of the gate, let's run with it.

Hearing reports that they may have had their "revolution" interrupted by a citizen with a concealed weapon. The police took approximately 15 minutes to respond, even though this started with two officers being shot down.

If true, it raises a few questions.

How many "whimpering libs relying on the police to protect them" could they have killed in that Walmart if they hadn't run across a citizen with a weapon and a spine?

Why aren't there multiple victims from the reckless response of the CCW savior? We all know they can't aim, spray bullets at innocents and do far more harm than good.

Shouldn't the CCW benefactor have joined up with them, instead of acting the part of the spoiler? We all know that these dangerous NRA folk are white supremacists, strange he/she would turn on one of his/her own.


Well-Known Member
No link? Just paragraphs of muyloco rant hanging off of this "if"
It's been on several of the articles making their way around the interweb. I'm sure you've already seen it if you've read anything beyond the HuffPo. And I qualified it with "if true" because everything coming out this early is still sketchy.

You may have noticed the beginning of the post where I took the OP's politicization and doubled down on his stupidity.


Well-Known Member
It's been on several of the articles making their way around the interweb. I'm sure you've already seen it if you've read anything beyond the HuffPo. And I qualified it with "if true" because everything coming out this early is still sketchy.
So no link then?


Well-Known Member
It's been on several of the articles making their way around the interweb. I'm sure you've already seen it if you've read anything beyond the HuffPo. And I qualified it with "if true" because everything coming out this early is still sketchy.

You may have noticed the beginning of the post where I took the OP's politicization and doubled down on his stupidity.
Listen half-wit, we all know these people were right-wingers. Probably tea-bagger nuts with guns.


Well-Known Member
Justin Bourque specifically spared humans and only targeted pigs. Then he faced the authorities by allowing himself to be captured.

Teabaggers went into a crowded Walmart and started spraying.

Revolution: you're doing it wrong.


Well-Known Member
The Gadsden flag was the first flag to appear on the field in the revolutionary war, even before a US flag was even envisioned.