Ban Cowardly Cops

I'm sure you're aware that the onus of proof is upon the claimant. Even if a correlation between the use of SSRIs and gun massacres could be established, it is not greater than the correlation between GUNS and gun massacres.

With that said, I don't use them or like them. I have been prescribed large quantities of them by the VA but I prefer marijuana, or even just coping on my own with nothing, in order to deal with stress. We all have stress but some more than others, and some are stronger than others.

He claimed that they don’t.
He claimed that they don’t.
He claimed that they don't as evidenced by the fact that SSRIs are commonly used all over the world but that gun massacres are not committed. This is valid evidence against the correlation. It is verifiable, unless you have some evidence to back your claim. You can't even establish a correlation, much less present evidence of causation. I'm not attacking you, I'm just sticking with logic.

I'm sure you're not suggesting that GUNS do not correlate with the use of GUNS to shoot people. Nah, you'd never suggest something like that.
You can't even establish a correlation, much less present evidence of causation.

they have claimed without citation that there is a positive correlation between SSRI usage and "violence" or "suicide".

they have not shown causation whatsoever because there is none

the fact about antidepressants, like SSRIs, is this: they lift people out of depressive states. someone who is already prone to violence/suicide may just feel better enough to act on these pre-existing impulses. this is especially true early on in the treatment regimen, and evens out over time.


anyone crowing about the SSRI conspiracy theory is a fucking quack trying to take the heat off of the gun lobby. basically just right wing trolls and stooges.

no other nation that prescribes SSRIs to children or anyone else has our gun massacre problem. end of story
The countries experiencing ssri school massacres are the only countries that allow ssri's to be advertised directly to patients on television. There is a very real correlation aye
Some Coral Springs police were stunned and upset that the four original Broward County Sheriff's deputies who were first on the scene did not appear to join them as they entered the school, Coral Springs sources tell CNN. It's unclear whether the shooter was still in the building when they arrived.
Deputy who stayed outside during school shooting had glowing reviews, his personnel records show
What these Coral Springs officers observed -- though not their feelings about it -- will be released in a report, likely next week. Sources cautioned that tapes are currently being reviewed and official accounts could ultimately differ from recollections of officers on the scene.
The resentment among Coral Springs officials toward Broward County officials about what they perceived to be a dereliction of duty may have reached a boiling point at a vigil the night of February 15, where, in front of dozens of others, Coral Springs City Manager Mike Goodrum confronted Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel. A source familiar with the conversation tells CNN that Goodrum was upset that the Broward deputies had remained outside the school while kids inside could have been bleeding out, among other reasons.


well, well, well..seems the CSPD gave BSO a long overdue friendly spanking. there is this little known rivalry between the two..CSPD being a real department and BSO CSPD had a tank:wink:
Yes, we've all heard the argument and we're all familiar with the second amendment, mr patriotic anarchocapitalist. The problem is that your rightwing authoritarian gov't is profiting at the highest levels from the sales of weapons worldwide. So while you make this argument that you're afraid of tyranny so you need a gun, you're actually doing exactly what the gov't and its GOP leadership wants you to do, seeing as how so many of them have been paid off by the NRA. Please, get new material.

Well that was a large pile of dung with many flecks of undigested corn in it. Let us swat the flies and see what we have here.

I don't care about the second amendment and apparently neither does your brand of government Nanny. People have a natural right to defend themselves whether it is recognized by a government or not, so the second amendment isn't what grants a right, it simply acknowledges this right. But you already know that.

I'm not an authoritarian, or right wing. Which is why I think disarming people and consolidating weapons in the hands of any government is a recipe for disaster.

As far as government weapons sales go, we might agree that is a problem. how to solve it though maybe not. The mechanism that permits the military industrial complex and all of the attendant buildup is the existence of the welfare / warfare state. Kill that and all the subsidies that go with it and give peace and the free market a chance.

GOP leadership? I don't believe I've ever appointed anybody as my leader. If we share a belief that people have the right to own weapons, it is a coincidence and not as a result of me following a scripted party line or endorsing a particular
political party.

Speaking of new material, do you still claim to be an Anarchist ?
He claimed that they don't as evidenced by the fact that SSRIs are commonly used all over the world but that gun massacres are not committed. This is valid evidence against the correlation. It is verifiable, unless you have some evidence to back your claim. You can't even establish a correlation, much less present evidence of causation. I'm not attacking you, I'm just sticking with logic.

I'm sure you're not suggesting that GUNS do not correlate with the use of GUNS to shoot people. Nah, you'd never suggest something like that.

Don’t see why you ended this with the sarcastic comment. I only repeated what a psychologist and a close family member had told me about the meds. Of course the logic doesn’t escape me. I was interested in this thread for real experiences with patients on these meds. Both of the people I mention have had wild emotional swings more often on these awful pharmaceuticals.

The family member was taken off them because they increased the manic nature of her bipolar condition. She got violent on ssri’s.

There are better and worse versions of these meds. The cheap ones cause more problems as I understand.

I see the logic but have not seen any proof of the claim Buck is making. I will take the time to research the removal of ssri’s from treatment.

But it still falls on Buck to post proof of his claims. Proof of the danger of the medicine was posted already in this thread.
do you really not get that you asked me to prove a negative, and that i literally used your own idiotic logic against you?

You just reverse everything back to your original statement. You are offering no information other than an obvious deduction. There are many other factors in this. You don’t want to consider them so you just act like this.
SSRIs have no mechanism that makes a person violent or suicidal.

someone who is already violent or suicidal may be lifted from a depressive state long enough to actually act on their urges, but that is due to their own underlying state and not the SSRIs

the only factor every shooting has in common is a gun. SSRIs are prescribed in every nation on earth but we only have gun massacres here.
Nice to see you suck big Pharma's cock, there's a growing mountain of peer reviewed literature (from people who didn't have to settle for fitting windows and doors) that states SSRI's are a contributing factor in murder/suicides.

Its mental illness AND easy access to guns, every single mass shooter has been on SSRI's.

Every single one.
"their supposed ability with numbers"?

don't you mean "our supposed ability with numbers", since you claim to be jewish yourself?

golly, it's almost as if you are just another white supremacist sock puppet posing as a liberal jew.

Yeah. If you are just going to pick apart grammar errors and claim I’m lying there is no point in you continuing to comment to me.

I’m not going to post my birth certificate with my legal Hebrew name on it. Who do you think you are? The president of riu?

You have no credibility I have seen. You watch the news and live on the internet. Doesn’t seem like you have experience with much you talk about.

Yet you continually seek to discredit my knowledge and experience. I am an honest person. Doesn’t matter if you believe. Try talking to people here like they are well, people.
they have claimed without citation that there is a positive correlation between SSRI usage and "violence" or "suicide".

they have not shown causation whatsoever because there is none

the fact about antidepressants, like SSRIs, is this: they lift people out of depressive states. someone who is already prone to violence/suicide may just feel better enough to act on these pre-existing impulses. this is especially true early on in the treatment regimen, and evens out over time.


anyone crowing about the SSRI conspiracy theory is a fucking quack trying to take the heat off of the gun lobby. basically just right wing trolls and stooges.

no other nation that prescribes SSRIs to children or anyone else has our gun massacre problem. end of story

Again with only suicide as your statistics. And the chart is basic and only shows with or with no meds. Alternate meds are shown to not cause the problems of the ssri’s.

Everyone else is telling you. You don’t listen.

What were figure 1 and 2 and why don’t you post the link where you got the chart?

Agenda. That’s why. You won’t admit you are wrong.
Again with only suicide as your statistics. And the chart is basic and only shows with or with no meds. Alternate meds are shown to not cause the problems of the ssri’s.

Everyone else is telling you. You don’t listen.

What were figure 1 and 2 and why don’t you post the link where you got the chart?

Agenda. That’s why. You won’t admit you are wrong.
They see any mention of mental health as an attack on their stated position of "no, it's the guns".

I think, logically speaking, it's clearly both and both need to be addressed equally.

They're locked into their talking points with their line already drawn, so it's probably pointless trying to convince them.

Its why I only post occasionally now, this place isn't a political discussion venue, it's a "what cracker can call another cracker racist the most" venue now.
They see any mention of mental health as an attack on their stated position of "no, it's the guns".

I think, logically speaking, it's clearly both and both need to be addressed equally.

They're locked into their talking points with their line already drawn, so it's probably pointless trying to convince them.

Its why I only post occasionally now, this place isn't a political discussion venue, it's a "what cracker can call another cracker racist the most" venue now.

I agree except it’s only a few acting this way still. And their alcoholism seems to be tearing them down.
it's up to you to prove they do cause violence; not that they don't.

There has been more proof posted. I don’t have the time this morning to research. But I will. I thought it was common knowledge doctors are finding the meds dangerous. It has been known for a few years at least now. Like I said both people I know that were on them have been taken off because of increased manic symptoms. This is common according to my psychologist friend who also sufferers manic depression since birth.

And I’m pretty sure this isn’t how you feel about it but I am not extreme one way or the other in my views politically but the cause of shootings is people not guns. Some are sick and some are irresponsible and look the other way. People in our country are supposed to be responsible for ourselves and others. We should not need regulations to band aid problems. We should find solutions for them that actually help improve things for us. That’s how I feel anyway.