Ban Cowardly Cops

are they finding them to be as dangerous as say..opioids? how many would you say lose their lives to ssri's?

I don’t think they have ever been deadly to the patient. Aderal (sp.?) is given to many patients along with ssri’s and can be deadly during withdrawal.

Conversely heroin isn’t deadly to stop taking. Unless the person lays on their back and vomits themselves to death.

I am trying to get hold of my psychologist thread for info and links. I will post them when I can.
Lol Buck gets so bent outa shape on these subjects makes you wonder if he's the kind of person to commit a school shooting cause they didn't agree with him.

Every school shooting ever was the result of bullying, from people like Buck himself, taking drugs like Buck himself.
If UncleBuck followed rules he wouldn't insult people like the rules say on the forum, same goes for school shooters, they don't follow rules.

How was that assault weapon ban back in the 90's? Lol

Austrailia worst mass shooting was commited with a .22lr bolt action rifle....FACT they are still legal there.

Austrailia and other countries that have lower gun violence rates didn't just ban assault weapons they enacted multiple laws at once aimed toward gun control(flawed statistics), there's a lot of evidence it wasn't the ban that lowered violence it's the process of getting the guns themselves. (I believe in control not banning)
I'm sorry I meant mass murder but I'll pm you the links, one of them could be considered a mass shooting but it's the "indiscriminately" part that you could attribute to other mass shootings that makes it the same.

I think we shouldn't just ban assault weapons they aren't the problem. The other laws and regulations seem to be working well and there are still assault weapons in the hands of military and police.

The regulations need to be strict to own these types of weapons, like the same regulations it takes to become a police officer.
I understand they aren't shootings and that's probably cause there's less guns available, but that's what I meant there's still mass murder, some even involve guns and could be called mass shootings.
Obviously if you make weapons less available there will be less correlation, this won't stop mass murder though it will continue.

Put people under a mental stress test, see if they show signs of explosive anger and hatred, u know like the type that Ubuck and Donald trump portray anytime something doesn't agree with their feelings.
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I'm sorry I meant mass murder but I'll pm you the links, one of them could be considered a mass shooting but it's the "indiscriminately" part that you could attribute to other mass shootings that makes it the same.

I think we shouldn't just ban assault weapons they aren't the problem. The other laws and regulations seem to be working well and there are still assault weapons in the hands of military and police.

The regulations need to be strict to own these types of weapons, like the same regulations it takes to become a police officer.

I hope you're not going to propose gun owners have to get those stupid cop haircuts as part of your regulations?
I hope you're not going to propose gun owners have to get those stupid cop haircuts as part of your regulations?
lol no wouldn't that be funny though, "that guy has a gun look at his hair!" ... I think we could compromise, I would give up my right own an assault weapon if I could shoot one at a range, say we have to keep them there in a safe and check them in and out into the range, the ranges would be locally operated and government funded, this would be the extreme case along with enacting laws similar to Australia.

I think we as responsible gun owners should be able to keep what we have but like I said I would be willing to compromise.

Gun ownership is rooted in American history it's just a touchy subject. I loved my bushmaster ORC but I got rid of it cause it wasn't practical and I got a nice hunting rifle instead. I own a glock for home protection and fun, wouldn't be happy giving it up at all.

Look at the Swiss, they have a lot of assault weapons owned by civilians and haven't had a mass shooting in a long time similar to Australia.
lol no wouldn't that be funny though, "that guy has a gun look at his hair!" ... I think we could compromise, I would give up my right own an assault weapon if I could shoot one at a range, say we have to keep them there in a safe and check them in and out into the range, the ranges would be locally operated and government funded, this would be the extreme case along with enacting laws similar to Australia.

I think we as responsible gun owners should be able to keep what we have but like I said I would be willing to compromise.

Gun ownership is rooted in American history it's just a touchy subject. I loved my bushmaster ORC but I got rid of it cause it wasn't practical and I got a nice hunting rifle instead. I own a glock for home protection and fun, wouldn't be happy giving it up at all.

Look at the Swiss, they have a lot of assault weapons owned by civilians and haven't had a mass shooting in a long time similar to Australia.

The problem is though, none of us has the right to give up another persons rights for them, that is their call.

Compromising your own rights is your call.
The problem is though, none of us has the right to give up another persons rights for them, that is their call.

Compromising your own rights is your call.
For sure on that, I was just saying I would consider it depending on circumstances. I think it's not the weapons that cause violence though.

Best example is Iceland, they have like no violence at all and a gun for every three people.
best meltdown i've seen in a while, 907.

what is ti with all the obvious right wing retards pretending to be liberals?

Yea what is it you tell me?

Your the most prejudice person I've ever heard of, you think being ugly is an insult? To use someone's looks as an insult is exactly like being racist and judging someone based on skin color.

You are a disgrace to liberals everywhere, you should go start a child spanking ugly shaming conservative hate group, your well on your way!