the politics of fucking little girls: roy moore, the next GOP senator from alabama

will you vote for roy moore, the nazi pedophile?

  • yes, MAGA!

  • no

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Sure, I'll vote for him. One he's republican, that's a good thing. 2. There's no proof, just accusation's, (like, you all know there are children held captive in Comet Ping Pong's basement, right)? Yep, as it stands today sure, I'd vote for him.

I also think Corey Haim might be embellishing the truth about old Charlie too. Just doesn't add up.
pedophile enabler.
That shit is only important in the courts and psychology. What Moore was doing is called harmful to young girls and nobody calls it by it's technical term. We call it pedophilia because that word embodies the disgust he deserves.

Roy Moore wasn't fondling 20 YO women either.
No it matters to society as well, if on a more subconscious level. Pre pubescent and pubescent is more taboo and evil than post pubescent. The dsm 5 defines pedophilia as 13 years and younger, of which approximately 5% of males and 2% of females studied fall into this category. Almost all people both male and female are capable of attraction to post pubescents regardless of age. But like you said it's a question of mental maturity and decision making ability. Yes I know society considers many people who are not pedophiles to be so and experts are actively trying to change that norm, but they don't have much of a voice bc nobody wants to discuss the subject they just want to shun the problem and hope it goes away.
Sure, I'll vote for him. One he's republican, that's a good thing. 2. There's no proof, just accusation's, (like, you all know there are children held captive in Comet Ping Pong's basement, right)? Yep, as it stands today sure, I'd vote for him.

I also think Corey Haim might be embellishing the truth about old Charlie too. Just doesn't add up.
you left out the bible and:

“There’s just nothing immoral or illegal here,” (Alabama state auditor) Ziegler concluded. “Maybe just a little bit unusual.”

The conservative movement died with GW may it rest in hell. What remains is a party of self hating weak minded white nationalist welfare recipients who, if they think about this at all are only jealous that they didn't get to feel up those girls. I include right wing men and women in this statement.
No it matters to society as well, if on a more subconscious level. Pre pubescent and pubescent is more taboo and evil than post pubescent. The dsm 5 defines pedophilia as 13 years and younger, of which approximately 5% of males and 2% of females studied fall into this category. Almost all people both male and female are capable of attraction to post pubescents regardless of age. But like you said it's a question of mental maturity and decision making ability. Yes I know society considers many people who are not pedophiles to be so and experts are actively trying to change that norm, but they don't have much of a voice bc nobody wants to discuss the subject they just want to shun the problem and hope it goes away.
You've convinced me that you either are or want to be a kiddy diddler.

Let me say what it all boils down to: It's wrong for an adult to have sexual relations with a child.
Let me say what it all boils down to: It's wrong for an adult to have sexual relations with a child.

strongly agree

aoc should probably be 21+, rather than 18... there are many 18 year old responsible and capable adults, but many more ignorant and inexperienced 18 year old children.

hell, lots of thirty somethings that fit the second category...
RUSH LIMBAUGH (HOST): These political sex scandals, they’re fascinating, folks. When the Democrats have one, you need to produce semen, you need a blue dress, you need transcripts of sexting, you need photos of people sneaking into hotel rooms like John Edwards. But when the 40-year-old childhood memories of a wacky woman and The Washington Post allege something about a Republican, all hell breaks loose.


Every never-Trumper alive has come out demanding that Roy Moore step aside based solely on the allegations. They don’t even question the report in The Washington Post, they take the word of a self-admitted mess of a woman and The Washington Post over the judge. Innocent until proven guilty has flown out the window. And how long has this supposed allegation been known? It happened 40 years ago. Why wasn’t this introduced during the primaries? [Premiere Radio Networks, The Rush Limbaugh Show, 11/10/17, 11/10/17]
Strong argument there.

"should we really trust people who claim to believe that it is morally right for a man to have sex with a man?"

if true
I found that to be a truly strange angle to approach this argument from.. Then he went on to say it shouldn't be accepted unless at least two witnesses can confirm it, based on biblical teachings..

I wonder if this is going to make it so people in Alabama come out against him and it's reflected in the poll numbers.. I think most polls show Moore ahead even after the allegations came out
I found that to be a truly strange angle to approach this argument from.. Then he went on to say it shouldn't be accepted unless at least two witnesses can confirm it, based on biblical teachings..

I wonder if this is going to make it so people in Alabama come out against him and it's reflected in the poll numbers.. I think most polls show Moore ahead even after the allegations came out
I think Moore wins. I don't think there is anything worse to the majority of voters in Alabama than being a Democrat.
the GOP has become a liberal caricature of itself.

That simple statement is beyond profound and spot effing on...

If you took a script of this shit, just a within reasonable memmory it would be read as satire, but its todays reality... HTF did America get to this point???