Well-Known Member
I have no problem with her being a muslim.We are talking about an elected official. In most cases, their votes are recorded by name except in a voice vote, which doesn't keep track of who voted for who. The public will not know regardless of a burqa.
I thought you wanted to see her face so you could tell if she were lying. I doubt you could but I don't dispute that you want to see a lawmaker's face when they vote. I simply dispute that it's a good reason.
It's my opinion that there is nothing wrong with wearing a burqa and a lawmaker's ID need only be verified when they enter the chamber. I think that what a person wears is pretty much up to them and don't think seeing their face when they vote matters all that much. My reason is as subjective as yours. If it makes you feel any better, I'm most likely in the minority in my opinion.
She can wear the burqa anytime she wants.
Except when representing the people, testifying in court, taking Visa, passport and dmv photos.